View Full Version : Yawning whilst eating - Anxiety?

30-11-06, 18:22
Could anyone help me please (btw im new so be gentle!)

I have started yawning excessively when eating and think its based on anxiety and an anxiety attack I had at the weekend whilst eating out?

Anyone got any tips on how to stop [:I]


30-11-06, 19:36
Hi Cher :D


You may not be breathing proply and feeling the need to take in more air when you are anxious. Changing are thought pattens from negative to more positive ones helps alot.

Lean how to breath, here's a link

Abdominal Breathing (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=12904)

This is a common problem. I used to get this alot when my anxiety levels were high.

You have come to the right place, there are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.



30-11-06, 23:13
Very common and I do it alot when I'm anxious - infact I also did before I used to get anxiety because I was gulping my food too fast.

A fab book on breathing and tips etc (written in a really easy format) is called Hyperventilation Syndrome by Dinah Bradley. Have a look on Amazon and then you can read the reviews too.

A big welcome to the site to you to :D:D

Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

01-12-06, 01:44
Yawning is also a side effect of some meds. For example, when I started on Effexor, so too did the yawning start. When I looked up the fact sheet on Venlafaxine - there it was! Yawning. It was listed in the "rarely" section. It might be worth your time checking out the data on your med.


30-12-06, 18:50
Yawning is definately a symptom of anxiety. It's just your body's way of trying to get a deep breath.

Try not to worry about it.

shoegal xxx

30-12-06, 19:06
Hi and welcome aboard.

I think all the others have covered most things so I just wanted to say welcome and hope we can be of some help.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel