View Full Version : Glaucoma?

01-04-14, 15:21
Hi, im 28 years old and just posted on here the other day concerning the redness in my eyes in the mornings and recent light-headedness/slight nausea and dizziness sort of feeling. I've been using visine for the redness and that clears it right up but I still have this sort of sick feeling (almost like motion sickness). I also noticed some pressure in the neck and head. Like when I lean over it feels like my head might explode.

I've been trying to put all this together and one of the things I thought of was glaucoma. I feel like I'm too young for this and as far as I know theres no family history of it, but it's still a weight on my mind that is only adding to my health anxiety.

Please tell me this is all in my head.

01-04-14, 15:46
Hi Mitch,

Sorry you're not feeling well. Unfortunately, no one can diagnose you so seeing your doctor with your concerns is prudent.

That being said, you're posting on an anxiety forum and all of your symptoms can be found in the "Symptoms" link on the page. If you search some of your symptoms, you'll see pages of threads with people experiencing similar issues. That and your age should be encouraging that this may indeed all be anxiety related.

Positive thoughts