View Full Version : made it to 5mg!

01-04-14, 16:18
As some of you know I am very sensitive to meds so taking cit in liquid form and stared at only 1mg (.5ml)..I finally made it to 2.5ml (5mg)..I am so dizzy, and feel like I am vibrating. I don't know how to describe it. It is like I am buzzing, like low current electricity going thru my body. I am taking it in 2 doses, one after breakfast and one after lunch. The nausea is somewhat better, but my body is electrified, and not in a good way..I wake up still in a panic with butterflies in my stomach..I am not seeing any improvement yet, just feeling really bad. My doc has me also taking .5 lorazapam twice a day, which doesn't do much and now I am freaking out about the withdrawls of getting off the lorazapam. Right now it is not fun being me...thanks..debbie

01-04-14, 16:20
Well done getting to 5mgs.......don't worry about the lorazepam...as we have said before it's only temporary.


01-04-14, 16:28
Hi Sarah..I know you tirated up slow also..Did you have this weird buzzing sensation,nervousness and dizziness?? When did you start to feel any improvement..It is 3 /12 weeks now, today will be my 4th day at 5mg...I have such a feeling of fear of not getting any better...Thanks for listening..debbie

01-04-14, 16:32
Yes a little nervous and dizziness....I still think you should give it longer.... perhaps stay at 5mgs for a couple of weeks and keep taking the lorazepam. The dose you are taking is very small...:)

......I can't remember...have you looked into pregabalin?

01-04-14, 18:27
No..I don't know what pregablin is?? When did you start to feel improvement with the cit..I won't give up yet..I know I should give it at least 6-8 weeks. Just want to know I am on the right track..thanks.

01-04-14, 19:18
pegabalin can be taken with Citalopram...... have a look on this forum under "medication"
