View Full Version : First time out in three months but now suffering

01-04-14, 18:42
Well today was the first time out in 3 months so met up with a mate and went to the pub. Sadly non alcoholic beer for me but had three bottles and just got home. Got this weird feeling in my left side of chest and stomach where I feel severely bloated and gassy and have started to get the weak heartbeat/palpitation feelings. Just a thought but maybe I can't have gassy drinks, or maybe I have a wheat intolerance??? Feels like gas covers my heart and the only way it is relieved is by excessive burping. Felt good to be out, but now I am suffering. Any thoughts??

01-04-14, 19:24
Just let it pass and enjoy the victory.

And try and fart.

01-04-14, 19:40
Lol I'm doing plenty of that don't u worry :)

01-04-14, 21:36
i literally know exactly how u feel, these symptoms is why i take lansoprazole and colofac. Hope u feel better soon hun. at least you got out and about. xx

01-04-14, 21:43
Thanks Lisa, yeah was nice to get out. Even though I don't feel like it, I am hoping going out and walking more will help my palpitations. Everything I read says exercising helps anxiety, just hard to do it when the thing u are anxious about is your heart lol. Hope ur well xx