View Full Version : tablet panic help ?

01-04-14, 19:03
SO ive had toothache for allmost 2 weeks now and ive been taking paracetamol as im terrorfied of dentists anyway just took 2 paracetamol and 2 ibuprofen and now i feel like crap im shaking feel horrible and its making me panic will i be ok

01-04-14, 19:15
They can both be taken together with no problem..... have you taken paraceptamol with caffeine in because that may make you feel shaky.


01-04-14, 20:20
Ive found the problem i took 2 paracetamol and 1 iburofen then 2 hours later ive took 2 of each by accident so i feel hirtible palpitations dry mouth hot headed will i be ok ?????? Im drinking lors of water

02-04-14, 06:53
You need to see a dentist. A tooth ache means you have an infection. If you do not get the tooth treated then the pain goes away because the root has died.

Then you two choices a root canal or to have the tooth pulled.

I have a dentist phobia, I once had a toothache on and off for a while, of course the infection was growing until my cheek swelled up and I needed antibiotics.

I still had to get my tooth fixed because the infection would have just kept coming back.

Please see a dentist, you can try seditives, gas or IV sedation if you need it to get your through. The fear of the dentist is not as bad as an infected tooth.