View Full Version : I've been obsessing over something new(Cancer/HIV) :(

01-04-14, 21:54
Hey guys,

As a lot of you know, I used to obsess a lot over my heart/breathing. Thankfully, all of that has subsided and I now seem to have shift focus on something new.

It all started a few weeks ago when I found a lump and a few lesions down there. I am a virgin and have never had any type of sex with anyone.

They haven't gotten worse and sometimes they seem to be going away and then if I self-please myself they seem to get a bit irritated(sorry for the TMI).

I work full time as well as going to college. I'll be graduating in about two months and you think I'd be excited but instead I'm terrified that I could be dying.

I've been experiencing ever since head fogs/eye pressure. I''ve been depressed and sad and extremely worried. I'm terrified that I either have HIV or Cancer.

I've been working out and I changed my diet and lost some weight but since this new obsession, I've been linking Cancer and HIV to the weight loss.

I did book an appointment but that won't be until the third week of this month. So between now and then I'm scared that something is seriously wrong with me. Can anyone offer any similar situations/fears/reassurance.

Thank you so much.

01-04-14, 22:54
If you have never had sex and I assume you are not an IV drug user then you cannot have HIV. I'm not sure what these lumps are but cancer doesn't get smaller. It's good that you booked an appointment. A woman your age should now be going to the gynecologist. You will be fine. :hugs:

01-04-14, 23:02
Umm thanks for the reply but I'm a guy..

02-04-14, 00:52
As RoseE said...

If you've not had intercourse and you're not an IV drug user, there's no way you have HIV. Being that your new worries are a "shift" from previous fears, it's unlikely you have cancer just as you didn't have serious heart or breathing issues. This is your anxiety playing mind games with you.

You'll be seeing a doctor in a few weeks and hopefully that will put to rest your fears. It would be wise to write down some of your fears (perhaps print this thread out) and discuss it with your doctor. Maybe he can refer you for counseling, CBT or discuss meds that may help you more effectively deal with your anxiety.

Positive thoughts

02-04-14, 01:14
Ha! Sorry Mark I guess I didn't read your user name. But everything else I said is still true .