View Full Version : Dizzyness

30-11-06, 21:39
Today at work while I was training a lady, I was on my chair and went to wheel to her from the one desk to the other and when I arrived, I had to sit there and wait for my marbles to settle. It actually felt that way.
I do know my shoulders are as tight as stretched band and I am not heading in the right direct with my anxiety.
Everytime I encounter something like this it plays on my mind and I seem to stiffin up.
Last night sitting on the couch talking to my daughters boy friend, I had the little head spin and then I felt the feeliing of death come over me.
I ran upstairs and took my ativan and took some deep breaths and went to the book store to see I could find a book my therapist once gave me that helped.
Any advise,


30-11-06, 21:55
Hi tt,

This may sound stupid but, when you're dizzy does the room spin or do you spin?

I've had Veritgo since I was twenty years old, now I'm sixty-four and still get it from time to time. Light sometimes and other times very dizzy, so bad that I can't stand up. I wound up in the hospital back in 2003 for three days, doctors giving all sorts of tests and looking for a TIA, stroke. Three days later was sent home with Valium, can't take Antivert, throws the heart beat off. They told me it was Vertigo. It lasted for months off and on. I've found the weather plays a part in it. Especially when there is a front coming. I live in Florida and needless to say there are lots of fronts.

My suggestion would be to see and ear, nose and throat doc. You may have a small piece of ear wax causing the problem. Also some doctors have claimed there are small tiny like balls (marbels) and they go out of alignment in the ear canal. By useing a magnet or rotating a chair they can get these "balls" in place again. I'm not sure about this because I've never tried it. I do know that like you when I become neverous and have my jaw clinched my neck stiff, the dizzyness seems to come on more often then not. I've tried chewing gum, especially when I'm at the computer, which is most of the day. Being a writer I find my jaws clinched most of the time.

Hope this helps.

Don't walk in front of me I may not follow.
Don't walk behind me I may not lead.
Just walk beside me and be my friend

30-11-06, 22:12
Hi tt,

I too get the little head spin (suffer from positional vertigo) and then a feeling of death. It is an awful experience. I also get the very stiff neck which the physio said that it is hard to know if the stiff neck comes first before the dizziness but plays a part. I am doing relaxation exercises and are finding these a great help.

Relaxation cds or tapes will help relieve the stiff neck as well as head movements in the shower.

A great relaxation move for the shoulders when you feel them tense up is to lift them up to your ears while breathing in and then as you breath out let the shoulders drop and give a sigh.

If you get alot of dizziness you should go and see an ent.


30-11-06, 23:03
I get a few different types of dizziness with my anxiety, the sort that makes you feel like you are leaning to one side when you walk and makes being out walking feel really horrible. I haven't had that one for ages but when I do it can last some weeks at a time.

The other sort is where I move my head too quickly and have that horrible feeling of impending doom a second or two later that you describe (which is obviously just fear/panic at this dizzy sensation).

Then I also get the tense muscles in the face and neck sort of dizziness.

I do find practising yoga regularly helps with all of them, as it helps reduce my overall anxiety levels in a general way and also the stretches once learnt can be practised anytime you feel your neck, face and shoulders need loosening.

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.