View Full Version : 2nd attempt at citalopram

01-04-14, 23:38
Hi folks,

Just about to embark on my second attempt of cit. got 10mg but have cut in half with pill cutter. I have been on the med go round since sept 11. so really hoping for success this time. my consultant has also prescribed 25mg of quetiapine for anxiety. hoping to get some identification from some fellow citalopram veterans.

kind regards,


02-04-14, 03:34
What is your drug history? I have currently started citalopram after coming off it last summer. It worked really well for me at 5mg, but I didn't like the side effects. Several months of horrible anxiety and other SSRIs later, and I decided that being anxiety free should be my number one priority.

5mg can still be therapeutic for some - no need to ramp it up to 20mg if you gain benefits from it.

I've had quetiapine as well. It really makes you sleepy, though I am in two minds as to whether it helps the anxiety or not. At doses below 100mg it doesn't have any antipsychotic properties - it only really acts as a strong antihistamine. Some people find the sedation can help anxiety though.

02-04-14, 12:06
Hi Emphryio,

my med history is as follows:

Sept 11 2011 citalopram 20mg 4 wks, 30mg 2 wks, 40 mg ?? then back down to :

Nov 11 Sertraline 25mg(moments of calm), 50, 75, 100mg( unimaginable pain)

Jan 6th 2012 Mirtazapine 15mg, (head slowed down first night what a relief) upto 30mg not so good) great for dealing with my cat allergy tho due to antihistamine effect)

30th March 2012 37.5mg Venlafaxine 2nd day ended up in A&E cus thought the dogs of hell had come for me) spent early days on 20 25 mg diaz a day to cope. Went up to 225mg in short time. Then back down.

Jan13 Clomipramine ( now seeing private shrink) couldn’t get above 40mg

June 13th 2013 escitalopram ( felt high on 2mg also had Viagra effect – think wife pleasantly surprised) got upto 10 mg but insomnia was taking at bedtime) shrink told me to take cital in morning wonder why she never suggested that with escitalpram.

So currently sitting with a months worth of 10mg citalopram with pill cutter to half ( actually halved 4 tabs coupl of weeks ago and kept in tin foil – now paranoid they could be off) also months worth of 2mg quetiapine. Still not mustered up courage to take any cus im almost 2 months free of meds and scared to go back on the med go round again.

you talk about side effects which ones did you finf troublesome?

take care,


02-04-14, 12:13
Hi Paul,

I too am very sensitive to meds. When I started on my third round of Citalopram (first time 11 yrs second time took too high a dose too quickly)I cut the pill into quarters.... it's possible with the tip of a very sharp kitchen knife! So 3 weeks on 2.5mgs, 3 on 5mgs, 3 on 7.5. now on 10mgs which is where I will stay fro a while as I am now going through a slow withdrawal of pregabalin.

Some people have lots of benefit from low doses.

Good luck


02-04-14, 16:55
Hi Sarah,

Nice to meet you:)

The 2 previous time you took the cit, did you have sucess?

Do you still take the 2 other Benzos?

My experience of Diazepam is it just makes me more depressed.

Kind regards,


02-04-14, 17:26
I also take very low doses of cit..I am finally up to 5mg, but started at 1mg. You can cit in liquid form (thats what I do) and it is much easier to go up slowly with the liquid, each .5ml equals 1 mg..I also take lorazapam .5 twice a day until the cit kicks in. I suffer from debilitating anxiety/panic which has pretty much kept me housbound for past 2 years..Everyone here is very supportive..Also, they are studies that show that a large majority of people do just as well on a low dose of ssri ..You do not need to be at a "theroputic" dose to get benefits..They showed at most people did just as well at 5mg vs 20mg..So start slow..Maybe you can get the liquid to make it easier. Good luck..debbie

03-04-14, 12:19
Hi Debbie,

Ive still got a full bottle of Escitalopram that could be taken at 1mg per day. tbh i had several month on it so not sure. My pdoc feels the citalopram or escitalopram are much the same.

---------- Post added at 12:18 ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 ----------

Hi Sarah meant to ask, how long have you been on cit this time?

take care,


---------- Post added at 12:19 ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 ----------

how you feeling today Debbie?

kind regards,


03-04-14, 14:08
Been back on Cit. Since the middle of January, slowly tapering up as explained above.
I rarely take Lorazepam now....I use it in extreme emergencies when my attacks become terrifying but now reducing Pregabalin as this was given to me a year ago when I was in a psych unit for 18 days with acute PTSD/anxiety. I had come off Cit after 11 years thinking I was well enough but it came back after 10 months. At that point (three months before admission to a psych unit) I tried to go back on Cit but took too high a dose which gave me horrific start up SE's. This time I have taken it very slowly and can honestly say that I am feeling much better and feel confident about coming off pregabalin (which is only an anti anxiety drug and not for depression).
Zopliclone I take at night for sleep.
My aim is in a few months to be back on just two drugs, Cit and zopliclone, which is what worked for me for 11 years before.


03-04-14, 14:53
Hi Sarah,

very encouraging to see you are feeling much better on the Cit.

04-04-14, 18:25
I am glad you are doing so well Sarah, it gives me some hope.:)

06-04-14, 17:05
good aft Sarah, Debbie and Emphyrio,

how are we all doing this afternoon?

we actually have some sunshine here in sunny Glasgow

take care folks:hugs:

06-04-14, 23:47
Hi Paul,
Well it has been 1 week on 5mg..I have had lots of ups and down..However, I actually went to the nursery for 3 hours the other day (I am self employed and own a plant nursery that we started in memory of my son)..I have not been to the nursery for over 1 year..I have just been doing bookwork etc., from home. Wednesday I went there and felt quite shaky, but hung on for about 3 hours, the next day I only lasted 2 hours and the next day, forget it, could not make it out the door..But, at least I see a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel..I am going to stay on 5mg for a few more days and then try upping it one mg. at a time..I have also been splitting it in half..Half after breakfast and 1/2 after lunch..
How are you doing? I feel so fortunate for the great people on this forum.debbie

07-04-14, 13:24
Hi Debbie,

Well done for getting out to your work. :)
we'll get there one day at a time:hugs:.

---------- Post added at 13:24 ---------- Previous post was at 13:16 ----------

I think in many ways your job can be very therapeautic - gettin in touch with nature and seeing growth. my wife and three kids are moving to our new house soon and there is a section of garden that looks like a forgotten about rockery (TBH looks more lik rubble) so i may be asking for some professional advice from yourself in the near future :).

07-04-14, 14:59
Well done Debbie..... you see it is worth it in the end..... baby steps:D

07-04-14, 16:11
Hi Sarah,

Hope you're having a good day and getting some sunshine.

Take care,


07-04-14, 17:06
Hi Paul,

Sunshine!!! You're kidding me ...it's been p****ing it down all day in Wiltshire:winks:........still.....how is the Cit going for you?


07-04-14, 21:43
Hi Sarah,

TBH haven't taken first tab yet. Going up north next week with wife and kids for a weeks breakand not wanting to contend with SE in case i ruin holiday:scared15:

take care,
