View Full Version : Evenings

02-04-14, 13:24
Anyone feel better in the evenings ? I'm almost me again , I can eat , watch tv and go out! In the day I'm lifeless and want to stay in , this sound familiar to anyone else ?

02-04-14, 14:08
Hi, SD1,
Yes, many people here have attested to having symptoms lift throughout the day- and evenings almost normal.
Mornings are often the very worst for many. I was definitely one of the ones in that cycle. When I was in the earlier stages of recovery I would watch the clock waiting for evening to arrive. It was such relief! Then eventually that moved up into the afternoons, and now even my mornings are much, much better- sometimes they are even normal. :)

Try not to fear the daytimes-- the more you can push through and fake it-- going on about everything as if you didn't have any symptoms…the sooner those hours of relief will start infiltrating your daytimes. :)

02-04-14, 14:13
I spend most of the day alone and the crazy demons get it , I start work at 3 and feel ok by the time I get home xxx

02-04-14, 14:19
So, it sounds as if once you are able to be distracted your symptoms go away (this is so common with anxiety)…..could you get a game plan to get out of the house, have a friend over, etc. for some of your daytime hours?

02-04-14, 14:24
My mind tells me I need to be alone in the day to get through , but I know this isn't the case it's just convincing my mind . Lol . Are you a councillor ? You are very good

02-04-14, 14:37
I'm the same. In the evening I feel much better but during the day its a struggle.

02-04-14, 14:38
I go to bed thinking I'm better only to wake up the same again

02-04-14, 15:00
I feel worse in the evenings. I tend to feel "safer" in the day time. I do often go for a walk most evenings which helps with my anxiety.

02-04-14, 15:16
:) No, just a fellow friend on the road to recovery. Being able to help anyone that is working toward recovery is one of the good things to come from having this blasted condition.

I also went through a stage where I felt the only "safe place" where I actually felt somewhat peaceful was in my living room with my husband and two children in the room with me. However, that was only giving me a false sense of peace. The anxiety was all still there underneath. And- it didn't do anything but hinder my recovery.

Maybe aim for two days a week where you plan something for the daytime hours. Do this for a few weeks and see if those daytimes are better overall?

Keep focused on the goal line of recovery. You will make it!

02-04-14, 15:26
I will have to make an effort and get myself out and doing things. I have sat for 6 hours since everyone left this morning doing nothing either on the internet or watching rubbish on tv. It has to stop as I know I am wallowing in self pity.

02-04-14, 15:33
Yes, Humly, I was there too. I found myself sitting in my recliner playing show after show for my two kiddos while I lived on here at NMP. I needed that "auto-pilot" mode for that short season, and now and then I consciously make the decision to have a half day or day like that again….., but overall- it is not beneficial. "Fake it till you make it" became my motto for many days/weeks. And, now- most days are really good. Do I still have anxiety? Yes. Is it more than a "normal" amount with over-exaggerated symptoms that show up and leave as they want….., but I just give them a polite nod and go on about my business. (Panic attacks, themselves, are still something I have a had time riding out, but they are few and far between.)
If you feel like it you can check out my thread "Musings: The Dragon Within." I haven't written on it for a bit, but it talks in the beginning a lot about pushing through the symptoms and reclaiming your life.

03-04-14, 03:03
Its very common to have the mornings or the evenings as the main anxiety period.

The mornings could be attributed to the daily cycle of your body. The adrenaline is going to be higher earlier on and as it gets burnt off through the day, you find yourself less anxious. Exercise burns off excess adrenaline and helps to regulate your hormones and helps you to sleep deeper. So, it makes sense that you get this pattern.

I also think its because a lot of us spend the first 10 hours of the day rushing around so your subconscious still runs that programme if you are not even working.

The night might be the dark, thinking you wont sleep, anticipation of tomorrow, etc. It could even be because your working rush pattern may be in the evening.

03-04-14, 09:03
Last night I was calm, rational and wondering just why I was so upset about my "issue". Hopefully that feeling will start to spread into the rest of the day.