View Full Version : I am just panicking over something really stupid here?

02-04-14, 16:49
I have BT anxiety which is at a massive high at the moment.

Occasionally I get a sort of numbing feeling on the right hand side of my face, sort of around the corner of my mouth and my cheek. It usually coincides with my neck and shoulder being painful, but this week it's just been there by itself, coupled with a slightly blocked feeling in my ear on that side (I had a cold which has now gone but the feeling in my ear has stayed) so I've been anxious about these symptoms for a few days.

Earlier on I was looking in the mirror pulling faces at myself - I know I sound crazy but I was making sure my face was moving properly. I noticed if I grit my teeth and sort of pull the corners of my mouth down that the right side looks nothing like the left. The right side of my mouth doesn't go 'down' as much as the left. The muscles on the right don't feel like they are pulling down like the left side does.

Now I'm really panicking that this is showing there is something wrong affecting my facial nerves/muscles.

Irish Sammie
02-04-14, 17:41
Hi there,

First of all..........it's all in your head. We can convince ourselves of absolutely everything when we feel as much anxiety as we do. The feelings you're experiencing is a physical manifestation of the anxiety and nothing more.

If your anxiety is on a heightened level at the moment, you're going to be incorrectly percieving things even more than you would when your anxiety is somewhat controlled. I had myself convinced of something rediculous the other day and today, looking back on it I just feel stupid.

I'm dealing with a lot of visual disturbances at the moment so I know what it can be like. I'm trying to face the fear and keep going out, experiencing the public and keep my mind strong, telling myself that it's just the anxiety that's trying to bluff me.

It's a bluff, and nothing else my friend. It's a lie. Think of anxiety as the most manipulative person you've ever met in your life. What would you do with a person like that? Ignore them and move on.

Keep strong :)


02-04-14, 22:38
Thank you for your reply.

I know it's probably nothing, my face has probably always been like this. It definatly is odd on one side though, like the muscles are a bit weaker. but when I'm feeling so anxious I'll over analyse things too much.

I need to see the dr and get this anxiety back under control!

Catherine S
03-04-14, 00:23
Okay..what is BT anxiety? If you mean British Telecom anxiety I can relate to that, and the time they keep me waiting before somebody answers my call gives me face and earache too...I feel your pain :D

03-04-14, 00:44
Okay..what is BT anxiety? If you mean British Telecom anxiety I can relate to that, and the time they keep me waiting before somebody answers my call gives me face and earache too...I feel your pain :D

BT = Brain Tumor

Although no one can diagnose, I've not seen one substantiated fear of a BT actually be diagnosed here since I've been on the boards.

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
03-04-14, 00:51
Aw fish man, thanks but I was just trying to lighten the mood somewhat. British Telecom is the national phone company for UK, and people here have a love-hate relationship with it (mostly hate) and the description the OP was giving of symptoms in the face and neck coincided with what happens when you are made to hold on for so long by this company. Sorry, bad joke really :blush:

03-04-14, 01:11
Aw fish man, thanks but I was just trying to lighten the mood somewhat. British Telecom is the national phone company for UK, and people here have a love-hate relationship with it (mostly hate) and the description the OP was giving of symptoms in the face and neck coincided with what happens when you are made to hold on for so long by this company. Sorry, bad joke really :blush:

That could be just about any cell phone company here in the US ;)

Press 1 for Positive thoughts. Press 2 for "and I should care because?". Press 3 for "Stick it where the sun don't shine". Press 4 to be intentionally disconnected.