View Full Version : Still really scared :(

02-04-14, 18:00
Hey all, i thought i got over the fears of a heart attack again but i keep getting these weird feelings in my chest and in my upper back and they are making me so scared! I know i'm only 20 and shouldn't be worried about my heart but i can't stop thinking about it! And the fact that i keep sweating for no reason and i feel sick doesn't help me at all :( all i've done today is lie in my bed and sleep and i've hardly been eating anything for the past week or so, i'm really scared and don't want to have a heart attack :( please help!!!

04-04-14, 22:52
Anxiety can cause a lot of tension in the chest/back, which in turn causes some strange sensations and even pain, tightness and muscle spasms. Also, when you are anxious your body goes into 'overdrive', which means it is working extra hard to fight off a threat that isn't even there. This requires a lot of energy and hard work to maintain, so your body gets tires, sore, sweaty and generally ill feeling. Not eating is only going to worsen your anxiety because your body doesn't have enough energy to maintain such a high level of activity - hence lying in bed and sleeping all day! You are only 20 years old, the chances of you suffering a heart attack are absolutely teeny tiny. The best thing for you to do would be to check in to see a GP, tell them about your worries and see if they are concerned. If they aren't worried about your heart then you shouldn't be either. They know their stuff!