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02-04-14, 21:33
Can't remember if I took my cipralex this morning will it hurt if I skip a dose?

Since I am on the highest dose of 20 mg will it hurt if I took it even if I really did take it this morning?

02-04-14, 21:47

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03-04-14, 05:54
Hi Scrumking,

I can't answer your question about missing a dose of Cipralex, but I find it's helpful to have a system that let's me know if I've taken/not taken a med.

For me, I put a dose on the kitchen table in their foil packs in advance. When I've taken the dose, I leave the empty packs on the table - that way I can see they have been taken.

22-04-14, 17:35
I'm on Cipralex (5mg) and I do sometimes miss doses without problem (although mine is a much lower dose) I'd probably say take your next one as normal.. you don't want to take two 20mg.

I have a little pill organiser and yet still kept missing doses, so now I have an app on my phone which reminds me each day which really helps.