View Full Version : Hi

02-04-14, 23:37
Hi everyone,

It's my first time posting. I suffer from GAD and periods if depression. For moßt of the time I can cope with my mid level anxiety and occassional flare ups. Over the last few weeks my worry level has been building, am feeling exhausted and a bit spaces out too.
From the outside my life is good. I am doing well at college, just got a job which I start part time next week and lived with my lovely boyfriend. Since Monday I started havibg panic attacks and feel constant dread. Going out the house is hard and coming to visit family on the train was traumatic.
I am now worried that this high level of panic and dread isn't going away and I start my job induction on Monday.
Am worried about taking the train home on Friday, coping with these feelings and being able to start my job.

Any advice greatly appreciated

03-04-14, 09:06
Can anyone help