View Full Version : Wisdom tooth

03-04-14, 03:39
I have to have my last wisdom tooth out soon. Last time, I got dry rot and it was horrific. I am soooo worried. It's all I can think about every minute of every day...I am obsessing but I am so worried about feeling that pain again!!! Please someone reassure me that this won't be the second worst experience of my life.

03-04-14, 05:23
Well, you had 2 out before the other one - did you have any complications with those? If not, who says you will with this one? Surely you are more likely not to have a complication? Why did you have complications last time, can it be avoided? Also, no more wisdom teeth to come out after this one so it will hopefully be the last time you need a tooth out for a while.

Try to apply the things the other guys were saying in the other threads. Try relaxation techniques to calm down, try Mindfulness meditation if you are doing that now.

You will get through it, it can't hurt you - it's just the anxiety making you dread it because you had a bad reaction last time but that doesn't mean it has to come true again.

Was this why you ended up in the strong antibiotics courses?

03-04-14, 05:34
Do you mean a dry socket after extraction? The main thing to do is to get back to the dentist as soon as possible if you think that is developing. There are lots of websites with specific information, but one sign is if pain is increasing after two days, not decreasing.

If so, ring the dentist's office, and ask for an emergency appointment - dentists always keep some time free, as there are emergencies most days. Also, the dentist will not have to do much - inspect the socket, clean it if necessary, put in a medicated dressing, and prescribe medications as necessary.

If caught early, a dry socket should be not much more than uncomfortable for a few days. Good luck!

03-04-14, 09:20
It's normal to fear that the bad experience will reoccur. What you have to remember is that dry socket is a rare condition, so you won't necessarily get it again. Follow the aftercare leaflet that they give you and any sign of dry socket see your dentist ASAP.

03-04-14, 10:03
I had a dry socket after having one of my upper wisdom teeth out. My dentist's main piece of advice to prevent it happening again was to make sure you don't wash your mouth out too vigorously, as you need to make sure the blood clot stays intact.

Hope this helps!