View Full Version : Cipralex day 14

03-04-14, 08:21
Hi all,

Sorry to bother you, and I know I've been posting quite a lot lately. I'm on day 14 of cipralex. Day 8 on 10mg. All I can say is that I do feel better in terms on panic attacks. From about 2 days ago I've been struggling with obsessive and intrusive thoughts. The thoughts are about me questioning what is wrong and right and why things are wrong. These thoughts bring me agony. I'm losing the battle with them, starting to doubt myself and feel sick from them too. Quite frankly I don't have the energy to fight them. And my mood is very low so I don't really care anymore. I've got terrible nausea and feeling extremely tired. Has anyone else had this?? Please tell me things get better!! I can't do this anymore..


03-04-14, 08:50
Hi all,

Sorry to bother you, and I know I've been posting quite a lot lately. I'm on day 14 of cipralex. Day 8 on 10mg. All I can say is that I do feel better in terms on panic attacks. From about 2 days ago I've been struggling with obsessive and intrusive thoughts. The thoughts are about me questioning what is wrong and right and why things are wrong. These thoughts bring me agony. I'm losing the battle with them, starting to doubt myself and feel sick from them too. Quite frankly I don't have the energy to fight them. And my mood is very low so I don't really care anymore. I've got terrible nausea and feeling extremely tired. Has anyone else had this?? Please tell me things get better!! I can't do this anymore..

Hi sorry you are having a rough time. I have recently gone back onto cipralex, I have been on it in the past with great success, having had a horrific year with panic/anxiety on other meds I convinced my GP to let me change back to this, I started on 10mg for a month and then increased to 20mg I have been on this dose for three weeks now, I had horrid side effects on 10mg but these went when I increased to 20mgs, I have not had the desired effect as yet as I did in the past, but realise that it can take some weeks to have effect and maybe it won't work this time as my anxiety/panic is at a level I have never had before, it doesn't help either I am going through a stressful period at the moment in my life as like many others this heightens the symptoms, anyway enough about me the jist of what I am trying to say is how do you feel about increasing to 20mg this might be the magic number for you and just nip that last bit in the bud. I wish you luck with what ever you choose in this battle, hang on in there.:)xx

03-04-14, 11:18
Thanks for your prompt reply Kim :). Seems like you are too going through a rough time. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist on Tuesday. So I'll see what he has to say. I tend to feel much better later in the day, but this is sort lived and I the thoughts and anxiety comes back. But will let you know what he says :). How you doing nowadays? Any better? How will you know when it starts working to it's full benefits? Or if I'll need to revise my medication?
