View Full Version : Random panic attacks

03-04-14, 13:57
I sometimes get this strange feeling like I'm about to pass out then all of a sudden feel this immense surge of adrenalin followed by sweating shaking scared heart pounding is this normal sometimes I seem to just talk myself into one it could be something as silly as a programme on TV that has something I fear on it and it will cause it! Or if I feel enclosed like I can't escape normally at work? I have been living with high levels of stress for a long time now does all this sound normal?

03-04-14, 15:41
That's a classic panic attack.

Amongst the posters on these boards, I think you could safely describe it as normal!

03-04-14, 16:06
I get random panic attacks, in the middle of lectures, when doing work..watching tv..when playing games.
my biggest panic attack was watching a movie in the cinema..
I can be happy as a daisy then within 5 minutes I'm having a panic attack.

03-04-14, 17:56
My first 'panic' came completely out of the blue..didnt feel stressed or how I would describe as anxious and from nowhere came palpatations and shortness of breath...I ended up in a&e. I said to my GP 'but I am not even anxious' and we started to work out if this was actually case...turns out I really am very anxious and have been for years...life hasnt always been that easy and my gp likened it to a full bath..the taps may not be running anymore but theres a full bath of water that needs to drain and this may take time. I really liked this analogy and it made these 'random' panic attacks make sense. The bath is still fullish for me but I am trying to do everything I can to get this water out as quickly as possible! !
Onwards and Upwards x

03-04-14, 20:39
Thanks for the posts guys! Sometimes it helps to get a little reassurance :)

03-04-14, 20:46
Really like that Marie, going to remember that one!

03-04-14, 22:18
I know! My GP is great and it made such sense. I had a very busy stressful life for yrs and didn't really have time to entertain my ha but now my kids are older and life is much easier it seems to have come back with a vengeance..I guess now I have time to indulge it! Bizarre x