View Full Version : Muscle twitching and trembling

03-04-14, 14:54
After several months of awful stress and a recent bout of pneumonia that took 2 months to shift.....

More recently I've been having severe bouts of exhaustion, mostly muscular rather than actually wanting to sleep.

As that's reducing, I seem to be left with an all over tremor and localised muscle twitching. My back is stiff and I feel a little uncoordinated as well. I'm not particularly anxious, but my whole body feels 'charged'.

I've noticed that when I'm sitting down my legs are very restless, meaning I'm constantly shaking my knee up and down (this is deliberate).

I'm guessing this could be the after effects of several months of huge financial/legal stress (which still isn't over).

I'm going to go to the GP about it, but it now takes a week to get a non emergency appointment. :wacko:

05-04-14, 02:37
It could just be the anxiety with the restlessness. That's even one of the IAPT questions for GAD so it would make sense.

When I had a bout of pneumonia I also had an additional period where I was diagnosed with a low platelet count. I couldn't do anything, I was so drained and my eyes were blood red the first day or so. It just required rest while it built back up.

You GP would be best to ask about that.

05-04-14, 10:32
I'm mighty pissed at the GP right now.

I went to see them about 5 weeks ago just before I went back to work complaining that I still exhausted a couple of weeks after the infection, and she said I just needed to get back into the swing of things and get back to work.

24 hours later I was in an ambulance with suspected early heart failure (chest pain and tachycardia) after 2 hours work. It turned out to be nothing (or at least they just put it down to exhaustion/stress etc) with no real answer. This wasn't a panic attack, I've had hundreds of those and can easily deal with them, this was sustained 120bpm tachycardia with no accompanying anxiety that lasted about 12 hours. They kept me in AMU overnight.

That episode has cost me another 4-5 weeks as after that I became massively more fatigued.

It's frustrating dealing with GP's with these 'invisible' problems. But I know I have to start the ball rolling.