View Full Version : I dnt know what to do anymore

03-04-14, 16:05
I'm fed up with feckin anxiety for godsake why won't it just go away!
I really cnt cope with the physical symptoms of anxiety, I'm too scared to take meds but occasionally take a 2mg diazepam when I need to relax, I dnt tell my GP everything cos I'm scared what they might tell me, I'm desperate for help and reassurance I'm awaiting cbt but got a 2 month wait before first appointment, how can so much physical pain be just anxiety?
Can someone please please help me

03-04-14, 16:08
Because you're constantly tense. Constant tension creates real pain.
Have you got any more gp apps coming up? You really need to be completely honest with them as you don't seem to be getting any better :(

03-04-14, 16:20
I have blood tests tomorrow MA but to be totally honest I'm shitting myself :( not because of having it done but the results xxx

03-04-14, 17:00
Hi Paula78, I to suffer Anxiety. Like yourself I just wish it would leave me alone. Been suffering for many many years. The physical symptoms I find really hard to cope with. What Physical symptoms are you experiencing? Hope all goes well for you when you have your blood tests done. t.c x

03-04-14, 17:04
My symptoms change. But mainly shortness of breath, chest pain, palpatations, neck pain headache, derialization, depression aches and pains, ibs etc etc, I sympathise with you as I know how your feelin, always here if u need a chat xxxx

03-04-14, 17:40
Sorry to hear things are tough at the moment. Have you tried any of the free on line cbt? I found it quite helpful whilst waiting for my appointment. I also started a meditation course which has been a life line. Can someone come to the GPs with you? It was a turning point for me when I finally admitted how ha was affecting my life. I was very cautious about meds but propranolol for palps and lansoprazole for reflux have reduced many of my physical symptoms. Small steps and breathe..it WILL feel better...get through the next hour and the next and gradually the panic will ease..I can only see this no I am more rational and at the moment you need others to help you do this but that's what we are here for...Onwards and Upwards x

03-04-14, 17:49
Thanks Paula 4 yr reply. Doesnt anxiety suck? I to suffer from the same symptoms as you and more. My anxiety at the mo is to the extreme. Had blood tests done last thurs all of which came back normal and my bp was that of a healthy teenager. It really is hard to take this all in when I hear this as I put my body through so much. Just goes to show that anxiety is really not harmful but very unpleasant. Hope to chat more and let me know how you get on with yr bloods. t.c x

03-04-14, 19:43
I feel your pain. Because i have a lot of symptoms too. But i try my best not think about it. When my symptoms come up i just tell myself is just anxiety will go away. And i will try to do other things not think about it. Like go play with my kids. Clean the house......i find that help alot.

03-04-14, 19:50
What tests are you having done and why are you particularly anxious about then?

03-04-14, 21:29
Have you looked into candida as a possible cause for your physcial symptoms? It can cause anxiety too - I should know! Doctors won't diagnose it because they don't know much about it, so it's best to see a naturopath or a holistic doctor. Loads of info on the internet too. Happy to point you in the right direction if you're interested in looking into it - has pretty much saved my life, or at least my sanity.

03-04-14, 21:57
Have you looked into candida as a possible cause for your physcial symptoms? It can cause anxiety too - I should know! Doctors won't diagnose it because they don't know much about it, so it's best to see a naturopath or a holistic doctor. Loads of info on the internet too. Happy to point you in the right direction if you're interested in looking into it - has pretty much saved my life, or at least my sanity.

I have to disagree with this. A medical professional is the best option for physical symptoms and a psychological professional is best to treat mental symptoms. While there are beneficial aspects of a natural approach and some people have positive results, our first line of defense should be medical science. Many medical professionals support natural remedies as well. You shouldn't put things into your body without clearance from your doctor. There are some vitamins, supplements and natural remedies that can have negative reactions with certain medications.

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
03-04-14, 23:42
How did it go from health anxiety to Candida Albicans? Seems a little odd to suddenly post about this? This is a physical condition caused by too much sugar in the system so where is the connection?

04-04-14, 00:03
It might help to do some research into the gut/brain connection. An overgrowth of bad pathogens can cause a multitude of symptoms, including anxiety. Since being treated my anxiety, of which health anxiety was very severe, is comparatively non existent and many other symptoms greatly diminished. Personally I didn't have any luck with doctors or specialists in this regard until I saw a holistic GP who put me on to a fantastic naturopath. I have also found the work of Paul Jaminet who wrote The Perfect Health Diet and other paleo bloggers and authors to be hugely beneficial. I say don't knock it until you try it, especially if you're not getting anywhere with doctors.

The reason I suggested it is because the original poster said she didn't know what to do anymore so I thought I would let them know what has helped me in case they wanted to look into it too. I know a lot of people have found relief through trying alternative methods that actually address the root of the cause. Conventional methods seem to be pretty hit and miss (with the emphasis on 'miss'), if this forum is anything to go by!

04-04-14, 00:31
Hi Paula,

I was going to ask if you started taking the meds but I re-read your post and see you haven't started. When I was dealing with some rather severe stress a couple of weeks ago, I "asked" for meds. They helped me get through a rough patch. I know you're on the waiting list for CBT. There's a free course you can download here and at least start reading it but you have to be in the right frame of mind and it's apparent you're in a pretty bad place based on your posts. I wish there was a magic suggestion but the things you have to do have to come from within. So I'll send positive vibes and prayers that you find a way to start making your way out of the valley you're in.

Positive thoughts

04-04-14, 02:09
I still Believe: This article might answer your question about the connection between candida/bacteria in the gut and the connection with our brains: http://www.theverge.com/2013/8/21/4595712/gut-feelings-the-future-of-psychiatry-may-be-inside-your-stomach