View Full Version : A step in the right direction.....:-)

03-04-14, 16:50
On Monday I had a fairly bad day, I had convinced myself the pins and needles in my hands and foot were caused by some heart disorder as I had them constantly throughout the day. I had posted a thread about it and many people said it was down to anxiety. I was questioning that the 20 mg of citalopram had stopped working and I needed to try a different one.

Sooooooo on the Monday evening I gave myself a right old talking to and a kick up the backside and that :-
a) I am unlikely to have a heart problem or cancer.
b) I will stop looking for signs of a disease.
c) I have 3 gorgeous children and a husband who I love and who need me firing on all cylinders.
d) I am in control (to a degree) of my own destiny and tomorrow's a new day.

Without wanting to sound smug, since then my pins and needles have miraculously gone! I feel much better albeit still feeling a little anxious when I wake up but that soon passes as soon as I busy myself. Yes, I don't really like my job however there's more to life than work. I believe I am probably on the right path and will just accept that I will have the odd bad day, but like anyone else who doesn't suffer from anxiety I will deal with that obstacle and move on.:):):)

03-04-14, 17:33
Great post..am glad things are brighter for you. I find it amazing how my symptoms disappear when I feel better! It always makes me feel confident that my symptoms are anxiety as pretty sure heart disease doesn't go away with positive thought!

Onwards and Upwards x

03-04-14, 17:40
Hi me too, when I feeling positive, happy or distracted some of my physical symptoms disappear, mainly numbness and a really irritating thing where I can feel my pulse all over my body. Glad you are feeling better. :) xx