View Full Version : A Little Victory?

03-04-14, 17:01
I have been having further trouble with my already bad eyes and linking it to "the brain tumour" my HA likes me to think I have.

Anyway, it was 3 weeks ago where I started to become aware that I was seeing cross eyed, finally got back into see the Orthoptist today and guess what? yeah nothing has actually changed, my squint is still the same level as it has been since childhood....his answer was I have become hyper aware basically!

Now I do have the cornea disease keratoconus but that's being delt with seperately, but this most likely does tell me yet again that HA and Dr Google had me dying with yet another BT symptom that actually has no evidence to back it up.

Do I believe his diagnosis? YES

03-04-14, 17:46
That's a great victory! I am constantly amazed at how powerful our heads are! I have many symptoms that come and go and get progressively worse with thought. Hope things carry on in the right direction x