View Full Version : Not Feeling Myself

01-12-06, 14:27
Hi everyone,

I am struggling again lately. I've made progress with going out but I don't feel right at the moment.

I've not been eating that much, I get hungry but i'm not fancying my food. When I do eat it's often hard anyway, because of the tightness in my throat. I don't seem to be able to stop worrying.

One thing i'm worrying more and more about is my health. Like for example, my family want to get a takeaway tonight and all I can think of is that i'll get food poisoning. I just can't enjoy things because of all my worrying. It's been worse lately.

Heather x

01-12-06, 16:13
Dear Heather,i am so sorry you are having a bad time today hun,But it is just today!You have been doing soooo well!Remembar all the good stuff and wrap yourself up in the warmth of those memories.Read nigel;s post and enjoy your tea,whatever you have!Love n hugs.maryrose.xxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

01-12-06, 18:18
Hi Heather,

So sorry to hear your are not feeling yourself !Sending you a BIG HUG !
You have made alot of great progress in the last few months Heather, so dont let your little blip get you down!




"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

02-12-06, 09:23
Hi Heather,
I know where your coming from ...I have a multitude of probs with anxiety/panic attacks. I have trouble with eating as my throat is tight constantly when faced with food ...my fear is choking ...so I can understand how tough things are ...as soon as the stimulas is there "food" my throat just tenses and trying to swallow is like battling against the tide ....I also have bad panics going out on my own but i've been trying to face this fear and practice going out shopping everyday and have so far been managing this area of panic reasonably well but of course confronting this difficulty has raised my overall level of anxiety and eating is getting near on impossible...so i cant seem to win at the mo..it's like 2 steps forward and 10 steps back!!! it's so fustrating... I think for me i focus too much on setbacks and not on the progress that i have made ...do you think this way too? I hope you feel better soon ..Take care jodiex

J Baker

03-12-06, 11:58
I know how you feel, i get it quite often and have to force myself to eat sometimes. My throat goes dry, the food tastes like cardboard and i can't chew it or swallow for fear i may choke.

But we all have bad days hun, just reassure yourself and think of your favourite food whilst your eating. It certainly helps me.

Happy Days

"Forget Perfection, You'll Never Reach it'

03-12-06, 13:04
Thank you everyone for your replies.

I'm still getting hungry but not fancying my food. I did have the takeaway the other night.

Thank you for the info on worrying Nigel, I'll try doing self hypnosis again, it has made me feel better before.

Panikki, I do focus more on what I can't or haven't done than my progress too. I also have the fear of choking too.

Thank you all again for your replies. I think the best thing for me to do is try not to worry about it.

Heather x

03-12-06, 13:06
Pretty much what everyone else is saying we all have our bad days but in time they will get less and less frequent if you face up to your problems and try to overcome them it may seem scary sometimes btu as many people have already said we are all in the same boat :)

03-12-06, 13:09
Thank you Matt. :)

Heather x

03-12-06, 13:17
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Thank you everyone for your replies.

Thank you for the info on worrying Nigel, I'll try doing self hypnosis again, it has made me feel better before.

Heather x

<div align="right">Originally posted by heths - 03 December 2006 : 13:04:40</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I have been doing self hypnosis every night for about a week now I found it really helpful, I didnt do it last night and I have really noticed the difference today just shopws that it does work :)

03-12-06, 15:32
Hi Heather,

So glad you managed to overcome your fears and have the takeaway, well done.

Take care of yourself


04-12-06, 13:00
Thank you Lynnann :)

Heather x

06-12-06, 17:32
Thank you Nigel. And thank you for the link, i'll have a read of that. :)

Heather x