View Full Version : This is insane.

03-04-14, 19:13
So lately I've been feeling nauseous a lot .. and today I tested something.
I didn't eat all day from 7.00am to 6.00pm. Felt absoulutely fine all day. no sickness. Come home, had my dinner.. and straight after. i feel sick to my stomach.

every time i eat i feel nauseous!!
why is this? :(

03-04-14, 20:24
Only a doctor could tell you for sure but not eating all day is detrimental and it would only follow that eating after starving yourself would cause adverse effects. Add to that the stress of anxiety and the possible acid stomach issues could explain a lot.

Definitely see your doctor. Nausea/stomach issues go hand in hand with anxiety.
Hope you feel better...

Positive thoughts

03-04-14, 21:25
Sounds like you have problems digesting and probable food intolerances. You could try doing the Whole30 challenge to establish what foods are making you feel sick. http://whole30.com/whole30-program-rules/