View Full Version : Panic Before Showering

03-04-14, 19:17
I have tried to find information about this, but I keep getting threads about people panicing during a shower and my problem is a little different. I am sorry if this is somewhere else, if so I would appreciate it if you could redirect me. I sometimes go a week or 2 without showering because the idea/thought of trying to shower causes panic attacks. I panic before hand and usually end up not showering (and I don't have a bath), but if I do get in I am only uncomfortable. Its not that bad once I get in and I always feel best once I am out. I don't understand why I panic before and it is sooo difficult to start it. I swear I am part cat! If anyone can shed some light on this I would truly appreciate it.

03-04-14, 19:27
I used to get like this before washing my hair, as once I had a massive dizzy spell whilst my head was over the sink. I think basically you have to keep trying, just get in the shower without thinking about it.
It does get easier:)

03-04-14, 19:38
Hi Lilmissbitty

I have had this too and I think Phuzellas advice to just go for it without thinking is an excellent one, that's what I ended up doing and it did pass eventually.

I don't enjoy the sensation of water on my skin at the best of times but I also know that I will feel great once I have showered so I just focus on the end result :yesyes:

Just wanted you to know that you aren't on your own x

Lisa x

03-04-14, 19:55
I try to just go with it and not think about it, but I have been doing that for a few years now and it hasn't gotten easier. I don't get why I feel panicy about it and it frustrates me so bad!

03-04-14, 20:14
Try hard not to wonder why it happens that you get panicky, you might never find out why. Just get on with showering.

I think you're quite vulnerable in a shower. You're nekkid for one thing ! And you need to be careful, obviously. I don't enjoy the water splashing on my skin nor washing my hair, it's not a bit pleasurable for me. I just jump in and out !

03-04-14, 20:31
I think you are right CloudBusting. It's so uncomfortable and I am very vulnerable there. I have a hard time sleeping because it is a vulnerable state so the vulnerablity aspect makes sense. Thank you.

03-04-14, 20:35
2 weeks? I can barely stand myself after 24 hours ~lol~

I have a Pixie Bob cat and he loves water! I swear, it's like trying to keep a kid from jumping in a puddle :)

Why not focus on how good you're going to feel afterwards. Perhaps one of those hand held pulsating type shower heads. This way you have control of the water, when and where it hits you.

Positive thoughts

03-04-14, 20:57
Thank you everyone. I certainly don't like being dirty and gross :( I usually have to wait until the uncomfortablness of being unclean out weighs the uncomfortablness of the panic and the shower itself. I feel better that I am not alone in disliking showers so much though

04-04-14, 03:55
I understand this fear as I am the same :weep:

I have what I call a strip wash standing at the sink, but I too can go a couple of weeks without actually bathing.

The more you try not to think about it, the more you will actually think about it. So even if you panic, what's the worst that can happen? I think the worst has probably already happened to you and nothing bad has come out of it so bite the bullet..................................and I must take my own advice:yesyes::wacko:

04-04-14, 14:38
I am the same. We have a separate shower, one that shuts me in and I feel claustrophobia creeping up. I do have a bath though and because I use Epsom salts
I can have a good soak. I usually have a quick showers in the summer, really quick though. my sister has a strip was too. She does not like her shower.

04-04-14, 22:39
Hey LilMissBitty,

I was trying to think of some ideas that might help you…..
1.) FMP's handheld wand idea seems like it would be a great one.
2.) Clear shower curtain so that you can see out and have a more open feeling.
3.) Showering in a bathing suit (certainly still going to get you more clean than not showering at all).
4.) Making sure the bathroom is well-lit so that the shower stall doesn't feel as dark and small.
5.) Splurging on some shower gels/soaps/shampoos with relaxing scents such as lavender.
6.) Setting up a tv or laptop next to your shower so that you can listen/watch a show (or listen to an audio book) while you shower…..something to keep your mind focused outside of the actual experience of showering.
7.) Set a timer and know you only have to be in the water for the amount of time set.
8.) Get a shower chair (combined with the handheld wand) in order to make your showering closer to a bathing experience.

Hope some of those things help!

04-04-14, 23:10
Hey LilMissBitty,

I was trying to think of some ideas that might help you…..
1.) FMP's handheld wand idea seems like it would be a great one.
2.) Clear shower curtain so that you can see out and have a more open feeling.
3.) Showering in a bathing suit (certainly still going to get you more clean than not showering at all).
4.) Making sure the bathroom is well-lit so that the shower stall doesn't feel as dark and small.
5.) Splurging on some shower gels/soaps/shampoos with relaxing scents such as lavender.
6.) Setting up a tv or laptop next to your shower so that you can listen/watch a show (or listen to an audio book) while you shower…..something to keep your mind focused outside of the actual experience of showering.
7.) Set a timer and know you only have to be in the water for the amount of time set.
8.) Get a shower chair (combined with the handheld wand) in order to make your showering closer to a bathing experience.

Hope some of those things help!

Great tips TooMuch... especially the bathing suit/bikini
Add to the TV/laptop... a radio. they make radios that you can use in the shower (I have one).

Positive thoughts

04-04-14, 23:15
Thanks, FMP…..thought of one more:
*Putting your cell phone on speaker and actually talking to someone throughout your shower time. (If you have anyone with whom you feel this comfortable you could also ask them to sit in the bathroom and visit with you while you take a short shower.)

06-04-14, 01:26
Its surprising how common all this is. Ive had this issue and its always when I'm at the worst stage of the anxiety. I remember a lady in a self help group who struggled to admit this.

For me, how it made me feel physically was close to the anxiety i.e. tired & achey, headaches, etc. So, I guess my subconscious made the link.

When you are at the worst point, pretty much anything from sleeping to washing to eating can an issue. Its horrible.

Is it only the shower or are there other triggers.

Is the issue the fact that you feel vulnerable as mentioned in early posts? If so, its strange that you dont feel it when you're in the shower. Are you able to stay in the shower and don't have to rush out because of the vulnerability issue?

You mentioned you feel it before sleeping. Do you have any issues about things that could happen to you, any intrusive thoughts?

06-04-14, 11:20
Thanks for the tips Tomuch. i have a rail to hold on to in the bathroom. It's just the thought of been shut in shower. We ought to have had a wet room, thinking about it now. xx

09-04-14, 13:31
I thought I was the only one with this! You have deceived it well. I'm
Not really sure what happened with me to trigger it off. I think its because I'm stood up. And I feel dizzy sometimes when stood up/don't breath properly when stood for too long. Once when I was pregnant I went dizzy in the shower. But this didn't bother me as I knew the cause.
Whatever way I have the exact same thing so I sympathise.

25-04-14, 03:50
I also experience anxiety in the shower. It's weird because I don't have any reason not to enjoy a shower but I just feel really anxious in them and sometimes have mini panic attacks. On rare occasions I feel fine but most of the time it's just weird. I have some tips but not solutions:

When you need to wash your hair, do it in a sink. beforehand or after doesn't really matter.

Do all you can to made your shower as short as possible at it will ease the anxiety.

Listen to music when you're showering, good distractions are the only things that really help my anxiety.

Good luck

25-04-14, 08:34
I panic about showering because I feel isolated with my own brain. Then my brain starts making me thing about all the things I am afraid of, while I have no distractions. It's awful, I need distractions all the time at the moment.

26-04-14, 06:13
I thought I was the only one suffering with this. One time my mom even had to help me get in the shower because I was shaking severely and thought I was absolutely losing my mind. Unfortunately I don't have any advice to eliminate this feeling. I keep telling myself that I can get out of the shower whenever I want to, even with soap on my body and shampoo in my hair. I keep telling myself I'm not trapped in there.

26-04-14, 22:02
No idea that this was common, I thought I was being absolutely pathetic panicking in the shower! I think I'm scared of falling over or something and knocking myself out and being found unconscious by my family.. Very irrational indeed!

I've managed to make my showers relaxing though, I sometimes put a nice candle in the bathroom and have a really relaxing lavender shower gel. When I start to feel nervous I try to do mindful meditation and focus on how the water feels on my skin, or stick my face under the water as it gives me a fright and I come back to my normal senses. Or out the shower to extremely cold, that will snap you out of it! Showering at different times of the day also helps me. Or play some music or the radio! Just have as many distractions as possible and then you forget the nerves, hopefully!