View Full Version : Exhausted, Unsure, Feeling Down ... the usual

03-04-14, 20:10
Hi NMP'ers

I just wanted to post a bit about my last couple of weeks, hope that's ok ?

So, saw GP (yet again) to discuss heart palps. The thyroid blood tests came back negative. She told me to try to manage my anxiety / panic for a couple of weeks and if I still had the palps to go back. Right, off I go all determined.

That evening my husband started to get a bad cough and the next day I had to collect him from work as he felt so ill. We ended up with him on oxygen at the local A&E and he spent around a week fighting a bad chest infection. Lo and behold, I got it too and I got it *bad*. This all happened two weeks ago.

Husband got better, I was getting worse. Back and forth to the docs, unsure if what I was feeling was anxiety or the chest infection symptoms. Took antibiotics (liquid version as I can't swallow tablets ... worst tasting thing ever) and just stayed in bed feeling lousy as anything.

Husband has been working away for the past week and it's been pretty bad. Just me at home with my daughter who was also ill. Struggling to get my breath at times, panicking, feeling rough - terrible. Anyway, I forced myself to go and see my two closest girlfriends yesterday for the first time in months. They didn't know about how bad I've been with panic disorder and I just burst into tears when I saw them :weep: Thank goodness they are such good mates. I could tell them everything without feeling stupid and it did me the world of good.

I have now made an appointment with a psychotherapist for next week. I think, rather than just using CBT when this happens to me, that the time has come to get to the bottom of why. I know I may never get that answer but it's got to be worth a try ?

I forced myself to go out today as well, just a very short shopping trip with my daughter. Felt dreadful but was pleased that I did it. Had a short nap when I got home but woke up with heart palps and that niggling muscle twitch in my side that I've written about before. I also had to go and pick husband up from the working away ... and now I am upstairs in my bedroom again, exhausted and fed up with everything and losing hope of ever feeling again like I used to. I'm sorry this is such a downer of a post. Thanks for reading.

Lisa x