View Full Version : Appendicitis? Terrified, help please?

03-04-14, 21:43
Before I went to bed last night I noticed I had stomach ache and as I got into bed I had a pain across my lower right abdomen and back but I slept ok. When I got out out bed I had a sharp pain in my lower right stomach and back which hurt more when I pressed it. I ate breakfast but that is all I have eaten all day. I now have this constant about 5-6/10 pain in my lower right stomach and my back on the same side feels like I have been kicked. I've been to hospital before with suspected appendicitis and they didn't diagnose it (this was about 8 years ago) I do get pains in my lower right stomach every so often that I worry is my appendix and have been to the doctors saying that I have it a few times. I managed all day and work but I'm just so worried. I had my contraceptive implant removed yesterday, I also had bright red blood on the paper after having a poo today and I was constipated yesterday before the pain started. I'm so scared.. Help?

03-04-14, 21:51
Hi kayleigh as you no I cant say if it is or isnt ,but what I can say is my dad had this and believe me he couldnt even walk because of the pain ,so I dont think it is but you need to get checked to make sure hope your better soon xx

03-04-14, 21:55
Over how many days did your dad have it? Thank you for the message :) xx

03-04-14, 22:09
I'd get it checked out tbh, or at least call NHS Direct. Chances are you haven't got it, and if you have it's a simple procedure to fix. But as much as I know this is a HA forum if NHS Direct think you merit getting checked out, don't delay just in case. :)

03-04-14, 22:17
It was quite sudden really he felt like he was going to be sick and needing the loo and real intense pain ,he couldnt do anything he was in that much pain ,im sure yours wont be xx

03-04-14, 22:21
Completely agree that you should call NHS direct..it's the best option either way..pretty sure they will listen to your symptoms and put your mind at rest or they will listen to your symptoms and suggest something.
Knowledge is power x

03-04-14, 22:30
That is true I suppose I wouldn't hurt to give them a call, do you think I should do that rather than going and sitting in A&E? xx

03-04-14, 22:34
That is true I suppose I wouldn't hurt to give them a call, do you think I should do that rather than going and sitting in A&E? xx

Kayleigh it depends how your feeling ,if the pain is bad go A&E there is only you can say what you should do xx you know your body

03-04-14, 23:01
I just don't know what to do cos no one will come with me tonight and I don't really want to go on my own :( x

03-04-14, 23:20
Only you know how much pain you are in..if you feel it's manageable then call if not go in. But do either as soon as you can so as you can put it to bed x

Catherine S
03-04-14, 23:37
To be honest, it sounds to me like it could be connected to the removal of the contraceptive device if you had this removed yesterday and had the pains last night. I had the Mirena coil removed and had some pain and spotting for a few days after. Why are you connecting it to your appendix though...do you have health phobia about your appendix in particular...meaning every pain in that area puts you on high alert?

04-04-14, 00:33
I am in quite a bit of pain but I don't know if me worrying about it and poking it has made it worse. I might try and get some sleep later and if its no better (which I don't expect it to be) when I wake up or if it keeps me awake I'll call NHS direct or 111.
I still believe - well thats what I did wonder as I have been mixing contraceptions lately, I had the implant but I was bleeding all the time so the dr gave me the depo shot as she thought it would stop them (it didnt) that was in feb and it stay in your system for 12 weeks, then yesterday I had the implant out and I've decided I just want to be on the pill so I started my pill this morning (I had the pain before I had taken it though) I've had no spotting at all but I'm not sure if its connected to my implant removal?
I have health anxiety about anything that requires surgery, being sick or anything serious, like severe phobia. I have worried about having appendicitis on and off for years since I was about 17 (im 25 now) and have had a overnight hospital stay for it when I was 17 and have been to the docs on and off about it for years, the last time being about 4 years ago. I just think cos its right sided pain where the pain for appendicitis is and it hurts when I press it and i've felt sick that it must be appendicitis :(

04-04-14, 12:36
I want to the walk in centre and I had infection and blood in my urine so been given a short course of antibiotics xxxx

Catherine S
04-04-14, 12:57
That's good, well not good, but better than you imagined it was and the antibiotics will clear up the infection quite quickly i'm sure :)

04-04-14, 13:42
I want to the walk in centre and I had infection and blood in my urine so been given a short course of antibiotics xxxx

Pleased for you that it was not your apendex like you thought now at least you have an answer xx