View Full Version : Shortness of breath, really starting to worry :(

03-04-14, 22:50
Hey all, i've been perfectly fine all day and for about the past half hour/hour i've been feeling short of breath and now i'm worried about a heart attack :( as i've said before i'm a 20 year old male, i've had an ecg which was 3 weeks ago and the results came back fine, i've never really became short of breath for no reason before, should i worry or will i be ok? I'm honestly so scared at the moment :(

03-04-14, 22:58
If its concerning you give 111 a quick call. They will be able to medically asses you

03-04-14, 23:06
I am a little concerned but i'm scared incase i have to go to the hospital :( and i can't call 111 because i live in scotland lol

03-04-14, 23:14
I thought Scotland had 111 :s. If you feel you really do need help then seek it. Your probably just hyperventalating

03-04-14, 23:45
Nah i googled the 111 thing and its only in England, i just got through to a nurse from the NHS 24 and she said i seem absolutely fine so i've calmed down a bit lol :) thanks for the advice though

03-04-14, 23:48
My advice would be if you can speak in full sentences then its nothing to be too worried about, keep relaxing and try to concentrate on other things if you can :)

04-04-14, 00:00
I would say, since it's been an hour since your initial post and you're still here, that it probably isn't something to be too concerned with.

Positive thoughts

04-04-14, 00:54
Thanks for the replies Florance & Fishmanpa :) yeah florence i'm speaking fine, the nurse pointed that out aswell lol i'm ok now though :) thanks guys!

04-04-14, 00:56
Hi RossA93, I used to have this quite a lot. It was because I was anxious and hyperventilating in some way, overbreathing because you keep trying to take a breath. It can make you lightheaded and feel like you can't breathe.

Try this when you next feel like it. Take a breath in count slowly to four, let it out count slowly to four and repeat until you feel like things are back to normal. sounds like anxiety to me.

Take care.