View Full Version : Really scared, can't seem to stop crying

03-04-14, 23:19
Hi everyone,

its been ages since I last posted. I have a new health concern and its scaring the you know what out of me. So much so I am bursting into tears a lot, even in front of my kids, which I hate doing. I have been having this odd sensation under my right arm pit on and off for a few weeks. Recently it has turned into pain in the front of my shoulder and neck with some stiffness. Also some tenderness and pain to my right breast. I have been to see the gp who felt under my arm, and also my breasts but could not find anything like any lumps of bumps. He prescribed me ibuprofen and I have been taking paracetamol as well as trying to rest the area as much as possible. I have got it into my head that I have either lung or breast cancer and I cry because I am scared out of my mind and also because of my young kids and what would happen to them :weep: I am due blood tests on monday which I wont get the results to for days after then dr said if they were abnormal he would recall me to the surgery, and if they were normal and I still had pain he would refer me for some imaging. I feel like I cant cope at all as my mum is also very sick with cancer and I have seen how it has affected my kids, I dont want to put them through it with me too. I cant sleep and often break down crying. I feel so low right now.

03-04-14, 23:41
Hey florance

i get a similar pain in my left side. My gp said its musculoskeletal and i'm booked for physio next week. I am concerned its breast cancer too and it scares me, but like you, i have no lumps or any other precursors for cancer so im just trusting the word of my doc.

Hope you feel better soon. xx

03-04-14, 23:45
thank you for your reply Lisa, Im driving myself crazy with this at the moment. I just want the blood test and if needed xray or what ever just to put my mind at rest.