View Full Version : Different symptoms every few days?

04-04-14, 06:08
I'm getting really frustrated from anxiety because even after countless trips to the GP.. I still can't figure out why I'm experiencing different symptoms. I'm starting to believe that I have fibromyalgia and heart or lung problems...
Can anxiety really create these powerful symptoms? I haven't been able to work or concentrate properly because of anxiety. I feel hopeless and scared like the past few days I started thinking maybe something is wrong with me.
- past few days I get onset chest pains on left and right side... Sometimes it'll extend to abdominal parts. I'm trying so hard to convince myself that it's probabaly indigestion but it's everyday the whole week and it comes and goes throughout the day.
- sometiems, my body would randomly ache all over the place... My arms, my neck, my chest and ribs, my back would suddenly feel sore and it comes and goes. I can't help but panic over it.
- I woke up from a dream with a panic attack gasping for air and ever since that day.. Every night I would be interrupted from sleep in middle night, I would wake up thinking I can't breathe. Can it be sleep apnea?
- today my right hand just randomly started feeling numb and cold for a good 20 mins.
Question is.. Can anxiety be this powerful to produce this much symptoms? Have you guys ever experienced this?

04-04-14, 10:14
My friend has just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Her symptoms started with chest pain, to the point when she rang the out of hours help they even thought she was having a heart attack. The pain subsided whilst in a&e and they couldn't see anything wrong.

A few weeks later the chest pain happened again but this time the pain had moved and it was in her back and also between her breast bone. She would describe her symptoms as having the flu aching all over but without the fever. Also tossing and turning in bed struggling to fall into a deep sleep. Feeling tired nearly all the time.

From what your saying you sound just like my friend. Don't want to worry you either but since my friend has been diagnosed loads of people have been saying to her that they also have fibromyalgia. I had never heard of it until my friend thought it was that. It seems a lot of people suffer with it. But its not life threatening and can be controlled. Stress is also a factor of an attack or replace.

With the numbing of your arm that could be a panic attack. My arms go numb and feel cold when im having a panic attack, which makes you panic even more! Just try and distract yourself when you feel like that and it passes.

hope your feeling in a better place soon :)

04-04-14, 11:22
Hi i seem to relate to your post, right now i am having such a hard time convincing my self that its just anxiety i have been to the josp for 4 times thisvmonth as i was having this back pain and abdominal pain and diffrent kind of dymptoms like fatigue and numbness and also i feel sick