View Full Version : Hoping for some answers

04-04-14, 08:25
I'm feeling dreadfully fed up at the moment. I've got my follow up dr app today to talk about how I'm getting on.
I really like this dr she knows me well. But the only thing is she never (or very rarely) does a physical examination so I know she won't check my heart and lungs etc.
I'm getting frustrated trying to explain my breathing problems adequately. I don't think I'm coming a Ross properly with what I'm saying when I've seen other drs. The mouth sensations are difficult to describe. It's like the air on my mouth changes taste. And that all these symptoms start when I bend over. It's like something is being cut off at rib level and then I get the mouth sensations, feel hot and sick. Now I can see why they would be saying it would be acid but I feel like I'm being misdiagnosed because I'm talking about bending over.
It's rather more like something is being crushed in my chest that's stopping my breath and making me sick.
:( I'm not hopeful for today's app.

04-04-14, 09:11
Have you tried writting it all down and then giving that to the dr to explain how you are feeling? It can be far harder to explain something verbally. Or if you feel that your current doctor isnt doing enough you could register with another gp.

04-04-14, 15:26
You seen the doctor yet?

04-04-14, 16:00
Hi yes went at lunch.
No further along. She suggested repeating my tests again but decided it wouldn't be helpful for my anxiety and doesn't think anything is wrong anyway.
She did my sats, peek flow test etc and all was fine.
Of course I was fine sat at the surgery. I've just had another breathless incident now.
She wants me to start doing some full physical exercise as she says there's no medical reason why I shouldn't.
Going for some blood tests for thyroid, glucose, and u+e though. But other than that sent in my way for another week till I call her back.

---------- Post added at 16:00 ---------- Previous post was at 16:00 ----------

Oh and I discussed my worry about a blockage, cholesterol etc and she said my cholesterol was recently tested (didn't know this ) and it was 4.7

04-04-14, 17:31
That's great news...the blood tests will further ease your mind and the sats and peak flow plus your other tests will have ruled out the serious stuff I am sure. My GP told me based on my age, bp and cholesterol the chances of having heart disease..my main worry...is highly unlikely. As I said before they don't mess about with hearts and more than one person has said not to worry so now it's time. if your symptoms change or significantly worsen then of course you should go back but try your hardest to put this to bed now. It was only at that point that I could start to live my life again..onwards and upwards x

04-04-14, 18:32
The blood tests are nothing to do with my heart and breathing though so not sure really what use they are Marie.
The dr said nothing I described sounded like angina and she wasn't worried but I thought I had classic angina symptoms. Obviously I know nothing. I know they are professionals and know what they're talking about and that anxiety had to change to keep us on our toes and keep us believing so to speak.
This one has got my worried though. When I lean on my chest on the left I get very out if breath. Yet that doesn't happen if I do the same on my right.. Maybe that's normal. I don't know what is normal anymore!

04-04-14, 19:17
How do you react when you get the feeling? I found if I focused on the numb face, stomach pain or whatever, if it was anxiety, it went away.

04-04-14, 21:06
I usually have to change positions to stop it.

---------- Post added at 21:06 ---------- Previous post was at 19:34 ----------

Something that has been on my mind for a little while which I haven't mentioned is my legs. They are constantly weak and wobbly. They tire very very easily and I struggle to walk far etc.
I lost some weight a little while ago when my stress was at its height, probably just over a stone actually. I'm steady weight now but my legs are dreadful. I put it down to loosing weight at first but I am actually frightened about the muscle loss in them. They are very indented where there was fat/muscle once and isn't there anymore. In fact there's barely any muscle in my lower legs at all.
I;m trying to reason that if I can get some energy and start walking and getting some exercise that the muscle will build back up but my awful little devil on my shoulder says, muscle wasting....what if your heart and lungs are also that wasted...

04-04-14, 21:09
The more you walk the better it will be. Just take it nice and easy.

04-04-14, 21:11
I'm just so tired Phuzilla. I have literally no energy at all. They are testing my bloods now for the tiredness But I know they'll come back clear, they always do.
I'm just putting it all together now, the bad legs, the breathing issues, heart issues. Wasted muscle. Afterall the heart and lungs are muscle so they will be as bad. What if they just stop working.
Agghhh I can tell it;s bedtime...

04-04-14, 21:30
Get a good night's kip. Tomorrow's a brand new day :)