View Full Version : infection panic

04-04-14, 13:29
so had my tooth out on weds and thank go the pain has gone


ive had to ring the dentist again because i feel absalutly crap my gum is all white i have a horrible taste coming from it i feel hot headed and unwell i had a full blown panic attack last night because of it allmost ended up at the A&E but managed to calm myself down

no i really feel unwell hot headed jaw hurts not sure what to think have i got an infection is what im feeling normal after having a tooth pulled what what what :unsure::unsure::unsure:

04-04-14, 13:37
Hi yes it sounds like infection and quite common after a extraction, ring them an get back for a prescription, I'm on antibiotics now for tooth infection so I know your pain ((healing hugs)) xx

04-04-14, 13:49
Sorry to hear your not so good ,I was exactly like you when I had my tooth out ,I got some antibioctics and in a few days I was feeling better get some meds and rest take care xx

04-04-14, 14:14
ive got dentist at 6:30 tonight and its a different dentist so im abit worried about that and having to wait this long panicing aswell

04-04-14, 14:52
You will be fine. They will just take a look and if its infected give you antibiotics to sort it out.

04-04-14, 15:04
yes you will be fine. You might have white socket which can be sorted out with antibiotics as Humbly says. Good Luck!

04-04-14, 19:23
ok so been to dentist and he said i have Dry socket so he filled it with some stuff witch tastes disgusting and he said i might have to go back to have it done again it wasent pleasant him putting it in but its done .. i still feel nauseous and unwell is it because of the toothache or do i have a bug or something or is it something else i dont know so im on a thinking mission now bit worried

04-04-14, 20:15
Terror your over thinking hun ,you will be feeling rough you had a tooth out im sure you will be okay xx