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View Full Version : tight achy feeling at base of neck??

04-04-14, 16:40
For a few days I ve been noticing a tight achy feeling at the boottom of my neck its just above ur collar bone line, where I get chest aches and pains a lot I think its angina or something I am 25 and have had ekgs and blood tests in the last 2 yrs all normal and I doesn't get any worse when I did skipping today. Any thoughts?

04-04-14, 22:57
Anxiety causes a lot of tension, which results in sore muscles and tightness. It could very well just be that you've been a little stressed lately and this is the area that you tense up the most. It can also happen when you've been sitting at a computer/desk for a few hours due to poor posture which again causes a kind of musle tension.