View Full Version : havent exercised in years...

04-04-14, 17:37
Hi all...

I went spinning last night, I havent done any form of exercise in about 5 years haha!!

I almost passed out after 5 mins but I still managed to do the whole 45 mins!! I was tired sweaty and out of breath and I ached something rotton..

I woke up this morning and felt amazing must have done me some good. But this afternoon I feel weird, I cant even describe it. Im not sure if I feel out of breath, ive had to take a few deep breaths to make myself feel better, I keep checking my heart beat to see if thats ok and I feel like I have pressure in my ears...

Please dont laugh but could I have overworked my heart and something gonna happen to me... im workinh myself all up over it :(

04-04-14, 17:45
Congrats on taking a positive step with exercise. It's very, very unlikely you damaged your heart by exercising.

Keep in mind what's called DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness). It's a very common thing that after exercising you'll feel great but within 24-48 hours, your muscles and body will feel what you did.

Don't let it stop you from continuing. Keep up the good work!

Positive thoughts

04-04-14, 17:52
Its not that ive damaged my heart its more that im worried I have an underlying heart problem and exercising is going to make it worse and my heart will stop whilst I exercise??

I just felt like I had to do somethong to get abit healthier so I can feel better about myself

04-04-14, 17:55
Its not that ive damaged my heart its more that im worried I have an underlying heart problem and exercising is going to make it worse and my heart will stop whilst I exercise??

I just felt like I had to do somethong to get abit healthier so I can feel better about myself

If you have any concerns, address them with a doctor. I still believe if there was an issue, you wouldn't have made it through 45 minutes.

You're doing a good thing. Exercise is very beneficial in fighting anxiety and a great stress reliever.

Positive thoughts

04-04-14, 18:03
You can't be that out of shape if you managed 45 minutes at a spinning class!

04-04-14, 18:18
Thanks for the replies...

But I really am unfit.. I really really really struggled doing it, I went there thinking I can do it easily and boy was I wrong... I guess your right though, if there was something wrong inprobs wouldnt have been able to manage doing as much as I did.

04-04-14, 18:21
It's pretty common to feel weird several hours or the next day after exercise when you haven't done it for a while and suffer from anxiety. This is a massive problem for me (involving hospital visits) that I haven't got to the bottom of yet, but I suspect it's something to do with a reaction to lactic acid.

In any case, as long as you work at a comfortable rate and don't push too hard you'll be fine.

And I agree, if there was something wrong with your heart there would be no way you'd have made it 45 minutes.

It's still worth getting a check up at the GP though, which is recommended when you start a new exercise regime.

04-04-14, 18:24
What's spinning? ?

04-04-14, 18:29
I wouldn't have gone into such an intense workout straight away tbh but each to their own that's very brave. You'll probably hurt like hell tomorrow though like FMP says. It usually takes 48 hours to show up with me. I think the next day yay I got away with it and then bam the day after....

---------- Post added at 18:29 ---------- Previous post was at 18:28 ----------

YouTube spinning class Phuzilla! Phew! Makes me out of breath just watching.

04-04-14, 18:58
I think the reason I stopped exorcising was because I was worried about my heart in all fairness..

Ive got throught two natural child births one only being 7 months ago so I guess if I had a heart problem it would have been picked up right???

Amd puezella youtube spinning classes and youll see what they are...

I think I just needed reassurance.

Im going again on tuesday too!!

04-04-14, 19:05
I'd have a go at that if I was a bit younger :D

04-04-14, 19:36
I think you're doing amazingly. I couldn't be as brave as you. I need to start from scratch. I feel like a really old person as I am so very out of shape.
My last natural childbirth was over two years ago and a lot has happened since then but you are right on that score.

Catherine S
04-04-14, 20:56
Whenever I tried to do any sort of exercise it seemed to make the 'missed' beats and heart flutters worse...not afterwards but while doing the exercise, whether swimming or aerobics etc, and I always seemed get them if I was outside in the cold weather too (although hot whether doesn't affect it) and in the end I put it down to a change in breathing patterns when exercising, which in turn affected my heartbeat. This was after I'd had numerous negative tests of course!

05-04-14, 16:08
Mummy anxious ive been scared to exercise for a long time at one point I was that scared to do anything not even walking... but I felt like I really wanted to do something to make myself feel a bit better... and the spinning instructor is a big hulky lot of yummyness so it makes it slightly easier to keep going ha!!

I still still believe, I was having palpitations whilst doing it yoo think my heart wasnt used to the whole working harder thing haha x

---------- Post added at 15:08 ---------- Previous post was at 15:00 ----------

Also phuzella I dont think it matters how old you are, there was a woman say 65 who was doing it and shw was amazing at it :)

05-04-14, 16:09
That's exactly how I am now bingjam and my legs are so lacking in muscle it makes it even harder.
Just been doing hard graft in the garden and my heart and breathing were going nuts.

05-04-14, 17:02
Good on you, OP. This is a definitely a step into the right direction, exercise being very important in managing anxiety and mental issues in general. I guarantee that after you "kill" that frightened person inside of you, who is whispering in your ear to just "stop exercising, that's it's dangerous, and that you should just go back home", and keep going, you will feel much much better, because it boosts confidence and produces endorphines, which stimulate a good feeling in your body.

06-04-14, 02:19
As others have said, if something was going to happen, it would have been during or possibly shortly after stopping.

If you havent felt sore, then I would say that you are a bit fitter than you realise. The body adjusts to intense workouts within a month so if you haven't had these effects, your aerobic capacity is sufficient to what you did.

Go again, see what happens. Its possible that it just the anxiety since it knows how this a trial for you, so its finding a physical symptom to attach itself to.

---------- Post added at 02:19 ---------- Previous post was at 02:17 ----------

Whenever I tried to do any sort of exercise it seemed to make the 'missed' beats and heart flutters worse...not afterwards but while doing the exercise, whether swimming or aerobics etc, and I always seemed get them if I was outside in the cold weather too (although hot whether doesn't affect it) and in the end I put it down to a change in breathing patterns when exercising, which in turn affected my heartbeat. This was after I'd had numerous negative tests of course!

That could even be the change in temperature if you hadn't warmed up enough. Does it pass as you get furthet into the exercisr? If so, its probably this.

08-04-14, 11:45
Thank you all again for the replies.

Ive got a small dilemma now though. Im due to go spinning agaim tonight and im kinda freaking out that something is going to happen to my heart... I know nothing happened last time but whos to say nothing will tonight???? Why cant my brwin just work normal!!!!

08-04-14, 12:58
I hope you go bingjam. Nothing bad is going to happen to you and you sounded so happy and positive after your last session. Could you maybe go a little earlier and have a quiet word with the instructor about your concerns ? Or set yourself a target of say 15 minutes then leave ? I bet you won't want to :)
Lisa x

08-04-14, 13:04
Well the instructor is a male friend who I havent known for too long so will feel to embarrassed to tell him....
I do really want to go im just nervous

08-04-14, 13:09
Don't they have different levels in spinning within the class like you get in yoga. So everyone is working at a different rates?

08-04-14, 13:28
Nope. You have to all do the same... I wish there was one where you can just sit and pedal haha

08-04-14, 15:02
:DBingham you have spurred me on to start exercising again so thank you:)

I am 49yrs olds and up until 15 years ago I would jog 5 miles a day... fast forward to now and I am 2 stone heavier, walk my dog for a hour in the mornings, clean other peoples houses for 3 hours a day and now (today) have started jogging again in the afternoons (well plodding really!)....I have also been a life long smoker *hides head in shame*.... so if anyone is going to drop down from a heart attack it will be me:ohmy:
I only did a light jog for 15 mins, to start myself very gently. I then went to pick up a prescription at my local health centre and checked my vitals whilst there...BP 95/65 pulse 75 (within 5 minutes of finishing). It reassured me that despite my age etc. I seem to be quite fit. I intend to carry on.......I hope you do too:D


08-04-14, 15:42
SarahH your daily life isn't idle though is it. Cleaning burns a lot of calories and keeps you fit. Hats off to you as at 35 I couldn't even jog to end end of the street. I even struggle to walk it and not be puffing and panting and I'm not at all overweight.
I'm starting doing a bit of light exercise/moving about a day and slowly working myself up as my hard graft in the garden at the weekend was too much for me.

08-04-14, 15:47
Mummy... you can do it!....... if I can then anyone can:D

08-04-14, 16:40
SarahH exertion of any kind seems to have a negative effect on my body atm for some reason and I don't know why. Even hoovering and my body starts shaking and feeling tired. But I will persevere. I want to be able to cycle. E an attempt to do a spot of jogging. I've never been able to jog in my life!

08-04-14, 18:56
It's a good news that you have started exercise. But do not forget to keep it continuing. Do not be frustrated, I think you can overcome it. But i know it will be very, very hard to continue. You have taken a great positive step, really great,. I appreciate

08-04-14, 19:42
Well guys I feel like a failure..... I couldnt pull myself to do it :(
I just got scared, And didnt go! Im so angry at myself. I know im fine I did it last week. ..