View Full Version : Getting much worse... Help

Mora Mora
04-04-14, 18:18
Hi all,

So I posted on here a few weeks ago about my anxiety and more specifically my money anxiety as I was moving into a new flat and starting a new life. Well I've moved and all is going great, loving my new job and I'm feeling very content at the moment... Only problem is is that my money anxiety has gotten so much worse.
It's completely controlling every thing I do, I'm so worried I won't be able to pay the rent that sometimes I'll tell myself I don't need to eat just so I can save money! I have plenty savings to get me by but these just doesn't seem to get in my head.
I'm considering hypnotherapy, does anyone else have any ideas?

04-04-14, 18:25

You're worrying about a problem that doesn't exist.

Meditation trains your mind to allow thoughts to come into your head and then leave again without you reacting to them.

04-04-14, 18:54
Have you put together a budget? Doing so will help you manage what's coming in and what's going out.

My fiance' and I do this and it's helped tremendously. While things are tight sometimes, we know exactly where all our money is going and have even managed to open a savings account for our future and emergencies. We clip coupons and buy certain things in bulk to save $$.

There are tons of websites that offer practical and sound advice on creating a budget. Having that in place will take the stress out of things.

Positive thoughts

04-04-14, 19:01
I'm one of life's "wing it" merchants. Honestly faced with a pile of A4 size paper, ie bills, my mind turns to a boiling inferno of custard. Which is weird as I used to be a teaching assistant and coped with paperwork very well:D.
I agree with Joe, meditate, it quietens the mind.
Fishmanpa you are very sensible, I wish I was:D

Mora Mora
04-04-14, 19:07
Thank you so much for your replies, meditation definitely sounds like my kind of thing and phuzella I wish I could just wing it sometimes! Haha, this is just exhausting.

04-04-14, 19:12
Go out tomorrow and treat yourself, nothing major, just a little something:)

05-04-14, 01:50
Have you ever seen the criteria for Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)? Irrational worrying about money despite having loads and constantly saving for tbe rainy day that never comes is one of its criteria. I think the minimum identifying criteria is 4, so check that, but if you find you do the others, it might give you some direction in terms of solutions.

I agree with above solutions. Mindfulness meditation will help you to control your thoughts or let them go.

I have OCPD and Im the same - I save a lot, even if I am splashing out, just incase. So, even though I can afford to be where I am right now, Im still focussed on saving.