View Full Version : chocolate or tea

04-04-14, 18:29
Now then, do I walk to the shop and buy a big bar of chocolate, or make do with a nice cuppa instead?
Or both?:wacko:

04-04-14, 18:42
The walk to the shop will counteract the bad of the chocolate...unless you are feeling tired in which case stay in and have a cuppa.
How about both! Tea and crunchy keeps me awake all night to do my work.

04-04-14, 18:49
I would have both :)

04-04-14, 18:50
Ooh I've not had a crunchie for years lol. I'm actually having the tea at the min and thinking about it......:D

04-04-14, 18:52
Suck your tea through a twirl. Heaven!

04-04-14, 18:54
Oh my goodness, now you're putting ideas in my head :ohmy:

04-04-14, 18:58
Mmmm so good, chocolate goes all melty and collapses in on itself. Then you put it in your mouth and it's melty chocolatey gooey goodness!

04-04-14, 19:09
Gross fact of the day, there is on average 60 insect fragments per 100g of chocolate.

I'd stick with the tea ;)

04-04-14, 19:12
Extra protein !!!! Lol

04-04-14, 19:14
Thanks for that little Bud :roflmao:

---------- Post added at 18:14 ---------- Previous post was at 18:13 ----------

Dammit I'm vegetarian

04-04-14, 19:35
Sorry I couldn't resist! :D

04-04-14, 20:03
The shop's closed now :mad:, so I'm having cocoa made with soya milk:D

Catherine S
04-04-14, 20:11
Suck your tea through a Twirl...love it!

04-04-14, 20:25
Mmmmm you made me want choccy :D xx phuzella we only live once lets have both

04-04-14, 20:31
I agree:) I'm too late for the shop now so tomorrow definitely. I might even get myself an Easter egg:D

04-04-14, 20:35
Omg all this talk of chocolate its torture Phuzella im on a diet arghhhhhh omg easter eggs mmmm yummy yum :D xx

04-04-14, 20:38
Ooh sorry but a little of what you fancy does you good after all:D

04-04-14, 20:49
Phuzella your so right you have convinced me lol x :D

---------- Post added at 19:49 ---------- Previous post was at 19:47 ----------

Gross fact of the day, there is on average 60 insect fragments per 100g of chocolate.

I'd stick with the tea ;)

Luna I would be glad of the extras lol im on a diet xx

04-04-14, 21:49
Gross fact of the day, there is on average 60 insect fragments per 100g of chocolate.

I'd stick with the tea ;)

Just extra protein and crispy bits ;)

Positive thoughts

04-04-14, 22:31
Hahaha I've never had tea through a swirl?! Will be trying that shortly with my housemates.

04-04-14, 22:45
Gross fact of the day, there is on average 60 insect fragments per 100g of chocolate.

I'd stick with the tea ;)

:roflmao: Seriously, Luna, how do you remember the plethora of information you possess??!!! You rock!

04-04-14, 23:57
:roflmao: Seriously, Luna, how do you remember the plethora of information you possess??!!! You rock!

I don't know TooMuch, it's never the information I actually need though! :roflmao:

I hope your doing okay, I haven't spoken to you in a while,

05-04-14, 16:28
I don't know TooMuch, it's never the information I actually need though! :roflmao:

I hope your doing okay, I haven't spoken to you in a while,

I know….I've been a bit hit and miss here……and hit and miss with how I am doing. Overall, I would have to say I am doing well. It isn't easy, and in many aspects it is still "work" just to "be." But, that is leaps and bounds away from the dark days, so I won't complain.

How are you doing? Do you feel like your meds have balanced?

05-04-14, 17:16
I know….I've been a bit hit and miss here……and hit and miss with how I am doing. Overall, I would have to say I am doing well. It isn't easy, and in many aspects it is still "work" just to "be." But, that is leaps and bounds away from the dark days, so I won't complain.

How are you doing? Do you feel like your meds have balanced?

I'd say I'm doing pretty much the same as you, there's always that undercurrent of anxiety and depression, but that's all it is. It's like walking a tight rope that's very slowly getting wider.

I'm in the same place with the meds, it's apparently balanced now but the cognitive issues are still here, I'm leaning more and more towards the idea that these are imaginary issues but yeah. Everything else is there but at an all time low.

As you said, there's no point in complaining :)

05-04-14, 17:18
I would like a strong cup of decaf tea please:)-- no sugar!

05-04-14, 17:24
Interesting….I feel some cognitive issues too. I have terrible short term memory, and often feel my brain has turned to petrified wood. Is it anxiety? Is it my meds? Is it me being overly sensitized and just making stuff up? Who knows?….I am just redirecting my focus when I get to thinking about "how I feel" too much. Bottom line is that I am functioning well. I can love. I can laugh. I can sleep. My body is healthy. When I remember those things…..for what more can I ask?

Love the tightrope analogy.
Let's keep walking it forward- one foot in front of the other. :hugs:

06-04-14, 04:50
Get a cup of tea and dunk the chocolate in it! :yesyes:

06-04-14, 10:35
Chocolate Maryland cookies dunked in tea.

Wins me over every time!

06-04-14, 14:17
Get a cup of tea and dunk the chocolate in it! :yesyes:

Stop it stop it please :sign20::sign20:me want it now

---------- Post added at 13:17 ---------- Previous post was at 13:13 ----------

Chocolate Maryland cookies dunked in tea.

Wins me over every time!

Arghhhh this is just plain cruel :lac:

07-04-14, 05:55
Stop it stop it please :sign20::sign20:me want it now

I used to know someone who got a long thin choccy types and sucked the tea through them...it was her heaven!!! :D

blue moon
07-04-14, 12:17
I have addiction for M"Ms chocolate and peanut ones,can eat a full packet,if I keep this up I will not fit my new second hand jeans :D

07-04-14, 19:05
I used to know someone who got a long thin choccy types and sucked the tea through them...it was her heaven!!! :D
Oh my im in heaven just picturing it boo hoo :ohmy:

07-04-14, 23:15
Interesting….I feel some cognitive issues too. I have terrible short term memory, and often feel my brain has turned to petrified wood. Is it anxiety? Is it my meds? Is it me being overly sensitized and just making stuff up? Who knows?….I am just redirecting my focus when I get to thinking about "how I feel" too much. Bottom line is that I am functioning well. I can love. I can laugh. I can sleep. My body is healthy. When I remember those things…..for what more can I ask?

Love the tightrope analogy.
Let's keep walking it forward- one foot in front of the other. :hugs:

I too love Luna's analogy.

I'll send over a crunchie (cadburys choc bar) if you've never had one, they'll blow your mind!

08-04-14, 16:33
:emot-wave: Hi, KLP! :D

Haven't had a crunchie…..sounds right up my alley though!

08-04-14, 21:13
Both! Chocolate and tea are both full of antioxidants! Just watch the sugar.