View Full Version : How embarrassing....

04-04-14, 18:41
So as you're all aware I'm freaking out about moles. Well I made yet another appointment wih my doctor after she said there was no need for her to make another referral to a derm. For in 3 weeks time. Last week it's as if my body was taking the mick, "il give you something to worry about now!" and this big red splodge appeared on my leg. To me it looked like someone had printed out a picture of melanoma and slapped it onto my leg. It sent me into a tail spin. Completely forgot about all my moles and in comparison the moles were fine, obviously benign and looked nothing like this big ugly red messy splotch.
So I rung the doctor on my way home from a rubbish day of work and she said to pop in (bless her) ..... Burst blood vessel. A burst blood vessel. Like she didn't even need to think! And told me I need to stop worrying I'm fine and I'm over anxious.
Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise? Putting things into perspective? I feel very silly right not, I need to work on this anxiety now, seriously!

04-04-14, 19:17
Hi Jonesle at least its put your mind at ease on that front :)

05-04-14, 02:14
Maybe its a step forward as you say its put things into perspective.

I have GAD rather than HA but I'm very symptom focussed. I had the whols nausea thing as a key symptom then last years I had a sickness bug. Prior to this I was practising Mindfulness meditation. So, I found myself being sick for a coupld of days - proper nausea and vomitting. After all this I found my nausea symptoms have greatly reduced. I remember whilst being nauseous and vomiting that my mind was saying "this is nausea and being sick!". I put this down to the prior Mindfulness meditation.