View Full Version : Exploding stomach syndrome

04-04-14, 22:12
I'm just wondering whether anyone is ever thrown into outright panic by the following thought process:

You get anxious, so your stomach muscles tighten. After a while, you get a bit obsessed with the tightness of your stomach. Then you get more obsessed, and your stomach gets increasingly tight, so tight that you think it might even explode if it gets any tighter.

Cue freakout. Time for Valium.

Is it just me?

04-04-14, 22:22
It's not just you, I get that as well when I get really anxious..

04-04-14, 23:34
See, this is exactly how I experience anxiety most of the time - physically! I have noticed it more since starting on an anti-depressant, but I think that may be because my mind is clearer somehow, and I am able to recognize it as being separate from my thoughts, if that makes any sense ... I don't even have to be consciously anxious at all, and it happens. I am hoping it will settle after another month or two. Meanwhile, I can't take benzos, so I try to do a series of deep breaths with a long count in and out, which kind of diffuses it for a little while. If I continue to have elevated blood pressure, I may ask the doctor about taking nadolol or another alpha/beta blocker, in hopes it will also relieve the recurrent stomach tightness! I agree, it is hard to ignore! :P ... Marie

06-04-14, 02:59
I'm just wondering whether anyone is ever thrown into outright panic by the following thought process:

You get anxious, so your stomach muscles tighten. After a while, you get a bit obsessed with the tightness of your stomach. Then you get more obsessed, and your stomach gets increasingly tight, so tight that you think it might even explode if it gets any tighter.

Cue freakout. Time for Valium.

Is it just me?

Okay, wait!!! I just found out something that has helped me so much, just to know about! I read it somewhere (could have been on this site, I do so much searching online I can't remember, lol!) So, apparently, there is a majority of serotonin receptors located ... in our stomach!! Gave that some thought, and now it makes sense to me why I'm getting all this stomach muscle-tightening feeling, "knots" in my stomach - I think it is all the serotonin receptors lighting up! I am just one month in with venlaxafine treatment, so maybe that's why??? All day today whenever I have felt my stomach tightening up, which as usual, has been ALL DAY, I just keep reminding myself that it is what they call "gastric contractility" from the startup SSRI effects of the med, which makes it a lot easier to take! It means it's working, and I remain hopeful that
this symptom will gradually resolve over time, at least until the next increase. Hey, seems like it's a good thing! :yahoo: Hope this info helps somehow ... Marie

Here is one explanation of how serotonin receptors in the gut may be involved somehow in the feeling of stomach muscle tension:
"Specialized serotonin-releasing cells in the gastric mucosa are present throughout the digestive system. Serotonin is a powerful smooth muscle stimulant and an important regulator of gut motility.19 In fact, the enteric nervous system (ENS) is often referred to as a second brain since serotonin appears to be the common link in gastrointestinal motility, intestinal secretion, and pain perception between the ENS and the central nervous system.20" from the following article online.

Maybe (in my case anyway) what is triggering the "stimulation" is all the little serotonin receptors trying and failing to reuptake the serotonin, due to the inhibiting effects of the Effexor. Switched on, (trying, trying, trying to reeuptake), switched off. ... Happy to report that this has only happened a few times today, as the startup side effects are finally all subsiding now after a month! Guess the little beggars in my gut are finally giving up the fight, lol!