View Full Version : Lung Cancer

04-04-14, 22:26
I know I have posted about this previously but I cant seem to get it out of my mind, I went to the out of hours gp service tonight as I felt I couldnt get my breath properly. I still have neck and shoulder pain which I am convinced is referred pain from some sort of lung tumour. The dr listened to my chest and said there was no infection and it sounded clear and my oxygen levels are 98% which is good. I also have pains in the sides of my chest and in my upper back which I also think are tumours. I am due to have bloods at my own gp on monday and I am scared out my mind.. how can I stop driving myself mad with this?

04-04-14, 23:16
Are you doing anything to treat your anxiety? (CBT, therapy, meds)

The doctor doesn't seem to think anything sinister is going on and doing bloods to confirm so it leaves anxiety. Treating the root of the problem often eliminates the side effects.

Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts

05-04-14, 00:07
did you tell the ooh doc what you were worried about?
Always best to explain how scared you are and then the doc can re assure you.
Any doc worth their salt will not think you are silly, because they will understand how your condition makes you think.
maybe try to have a chat with someone when you go to get your blood test, just so they can help to put your mind at ease.

05-04-14, 06:49
I suggest you to see another doctor or doctors, this way you can be reassured nothing is going on. I guess there are tests to rule out lung cancer, you can try this.

05-04-14, 07:07
I didnt tell the ooh what was on my mind, and Ive had a another awful night of pain, and fear. Even when I have the tests I have to wait ages for the results. I really have myself convinced

05-04-14, 08:06
I would go to the docs first thing monday on an emergency appt. And explain what you are worried about. If you dont tell your doc what you are worried about, they will just assume that you are ok with their diagnosis. Anyway, if they thought you had lung cancer, they would have you in for emergency x rays........x

---------- Post added at 08:06 ---------- Previous post was at 08:05 ----------

In the meantime, please try not to worry too much x

05-04-14, 13:22
I suggest you to see another doctor or doctors, this way you can be reassured nothing is going on. I guess there are tests to rule out lung cancer, you can try this.

I have to disagree with this strategy. The key is to get out of the pattern of reassurance and accept what a medical professional says. It's in their best interest for you to be healthy. After all, isn't that why they went to school for 8+ years for?

Florance, you'll be seeing your GP on Monday. Explain your fears and have him check you out and put your fear to rest. Also speak to him about your anxiety. Often times, there are physiological symptoms like being short of breath and chest/back pains (due to muscle tension caused by stress) that are prevalent with anxiety.

Positive thoughts

05-04-14, 14:14
Florence, I have to agree with what Fishmanpa said. Breaking the pattern of reassurance seeking is very important when it comes to battling your anxiety. I know that it's difficult when physical symptoms are preying on your mind, but learning to trust yourself and your doctor is paramount.
Have you tried CBT? The techniques that it teaches are very useful in battling these types of irrational thoughts. I find it helpful to be able to take an irrational thought like "I have lung cancer" and be able to put the lies to it and find a rational voice and thought to put in it's place.
There is a very good online CBT course which is free.

05-04-14, 22:34
I will look into some CBT, I have had some councelling in the past, but not in regard to this type of irrational thinking. I find I am seeking reassurance from all kinds of people from all kinds of places. It works for a while then the whole irrational thoughts start all over again!