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View Full Version : heart anxiety...again

04-04-14, 22:41
Hi guys.
I've been doing okay the past week or so. I've been committed to exercising and it's been going well. But I do still worry about my heart. I've just been sat watching a film on my own, not the chirpiest of films might I add. It's called You're Next, not the best when feeling anxious ha. Anyway, I was just sat watching and I got an achey feeling in the centre of my chest. It faded after 10 seconds or so but then came back, again lasted about 10 seconds. I did do a few burps when I sat upright (so sorry for TMI), but I'm worrying it might be my heart. Has anyone had anything like this? Trying not to panic too much but it's winning a little.
Any replies would be really helpful x

04-04-14, 22:49
it sounds like trapped wind pain, especially if its retro sternal, i.e behind your breast bone in the middle of your chest. If it was cardiac pain it would be longer lasting as well. Hope this helps :)

07-04-14, 13:11
Thanks for this reply Florance. Had some internet trouble hence late reply! It did help, thankyou:) xx