View Full Version : Still freaking out about face - got to go to dr.

05-04-14, 07:51
So I posted a couple of weeks ago about my face being swollen and pufdy on one side. I had a knock to my fact almost a month ago so I put it down to that. However a month on there is no improvement. It isn't all that obvious to look at but in photographs it's very obvious as you can see that the outline of my face on one side is a totally different shape. Other people can see it too so it isn't just me imagining it. I can't see how if it was swelling from an injury it wouldn't have gone down at all in a month. I am terrified that it's a tumour or ny lymph nodes that are swollen because of cancer. I know it will take me ages to get any answers as if they are worried they will have to send me for a scan which will take ages.

05-04-14, 08:07
Hi Cattia. Remember I have a similar problem and its been 4 weeks since my injury too. My doc sent me for an xray - just because I was in a state when I saw her - and I saw a nurse in A&E who told me that facial swelling can take 6 weeks or more to go down. That made me feel slightly better but I havent seen any difference in mine yet so I am hoping. I know how you must be feeling but maybe it was like that before a bit and you just didnt notice? Why dont you go to your doc just to put your mind at rest x

05-04-14, 08:14
Thank you, that does make me feel a little better. I think I am worried that my face was like this before the injury because I'm attributing the asymmetry of my face to the injury but I'm now worried I have cancer somewhere in that area and in fact it has nothing to do with the injury. The original injury wasn't even that bad, I fell over and knocked my face on the floor when I fell. Did your X ray show anything? I am going to book an appointment with my Dr this week. One side of my face just looks a totally different shape from the other :(

05-04-14, 08:23
No my xray didnt show any bones broken and I knew it wouldnt anyway to be honest. I just got myself in such a tizz over it and I am still not happy. The difference is probably only slight but because you are focusing on it, it will seem magnified and not many people have a totally symmetrical face anyway. Thats what I am telling myself!

06-04-14, 15:35
Thank you, when I look at photographs I think it looks awful, but in real life it isn't that noticeable, i suppose because a photograph makes the outline of your face look more pronounced as it's in 2d. I am going to book an appointment over the next week and see what they say, I am very anxious about it.

06-04-14, 16:10
I hope you will be reassured that its nothing to worry about. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

06-04-14, 16:26
Both of you got hit in the face, seen the doctor, gotten x-rays and nothing is broken. It's common to have swelling and very common that it takes time to heal and for swelling to go away. It's really that simple. Both of you admit to only you noticing. It's not like you walk out in public and people cower like you're the Elephant man ;)

Positive thoughts

06-04-14, 18:21
Haha thanks Fishmanpa, I know, most people wouldn't notice and if I hadn't taken a picture of myself for the facebook selfie cancer awareness campaign I wouldn't have either, kind of ironic as i am now stressing that I have cancer! I haven't had an x ray but I am not sure they would even give me one as even if I had a small fracture I doubt they woukd do much about it. My husband said it would be pretty unlikely that I woukd have a tumour in my face in the same place I knocked it but I am the queen of believing the least likely yet most terrifying scenario...