View Full Version : what is it??????

05-04-14, 10:24
hello everyone
my problem is i see all these terms and conditions and i am unsure which i would say is my problem.I suffer my panicky feelings only in certain situations mainly if a shops busy and ill have to wait or if im in a waiting room for a long time or if im on a train or flying,i get the racing heartbeat,closing throat and desire to run away so what is it???????

05-04-14, 10:39
It's anxiety/panic.

Read the symptoms list to see how it can effect you, and start telling yourself asap that it can't hurt you and nothing is physically wrong with you. The earlier you can accept that the better.

06-04-14, 01:43
Its anxiety & panic of some variety.

Its possible its agoraphobia. Check out Anxiety UK's website as there is a checklist on there. not sure if thats on here?

For a diagnosis, you need your GP but from my experience it does help to try to find the anxiety types because GPs are so limited for time that you end up with a partial diagnosis. If this happens, keep asking your GP until they complete it. For instance, my GP has me down as GAD and depression. The CBT therapist added OCD and OCPD, but since they cant diagnose...I'm stuck with the partial at the moment. I'm not too concerned though as my GP wont refer any further so I've gone my own way.