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05-04-14, 11:37
Hi all.

Im new here and could do with some people to talk to. I feel very alone and scared.

I have been diagnosed with severe anxiety by my doctor after I went in to complain of chest pains and palpitations. I am still waiting for the results of my heart monitor.

I have symptoms of anxiety but I also have the chest pain, feeling sick all the time, tired, headache,teary and just want to lay in bed all day its awful.

I think I also have health anxiety as Im always thinking im dying and pretty much diagnosed myself with every medical condition possible!

I have had 2 weeks of work so far and im going back on Monday but im terrified it will make it worse being there but Im sick of being on my own at home doing nothing.

My other half lives 45 mins away from me and I only see him at weekends, sometimes every other so I cant ask him to always be here with me. When I am left on my own I get really bad and I only feel comfortable when I am at his house (but he lives with his mum :(

Does anyone else have these symptoms or can give me any advice??

Please help.

Marsha xxx

05-04-14, 12:20
Hi Marsha, I'm new here too and have suffered extremely similar symptoms in the past. You're definitely not alone here!

05-04-14, 13:04
I'm going back to work Monday. A big step. But when I spoke to my GP the prospect of more time off and being alone did not seem tenable. My original plan was to get well, get back to work, then look for another job. But it's now back to work, then get well.

05-04-14, 14:50
Welcome to NMP, Marsha. You will find many people on here that totally get what you're feeling and going through. When the results of the holter come back, and if all clear, allow yourself to accept the results and believe that it is nothing but anxiety.
What types of things are you doing to help with your anxiety? That is the important question. Find posts on NMP by folks with some recovery and check out the kinds of things that they are doing. You will find this helpful. It takes a lot of consistent, daily work but you can beat this thing.

05-04-14, 22:51
Hi all. Thank you for the speedy responses!

I am greatly worried about my health as I am obese, I didnt eat very good foods I was a bit of a comfort eater, I smoked 20 cigs a day and I was basically a couch potato. My job is also a sit down one :( I have stopped smoking now, 2 months and counting. I have started to eat more healthy and I am taking walks to try and ease into exercising - I want to join the gym and work on cardio etc to get my fitness up but then I am scared that if I push myself I will get ill and have a heart attack etc.

I have a house mate but she is always stopping out so I pretty much live on my own and I am very scared of this and it means I wont sleep. I only really sleep when my boyfriend is with me...

It is a vicious circle and I dont know how Im going to make it to the other side but I am determined to do so!

Does anyone else come from a sedentry lifestyle and started to work out/ been obese etc....??

05-04-14, 23:53
I wouldn't describe myself as obese but I'm medically overweight and veeeeeeeeeery unfit. I gained weight and lost muscle after an illness kept me in bed for a year, I've recently been trying to get myself fit again. My anxiety, insomnia and studenty life mean I often get stuck indoors and slip into inactivity.

I'm doing exactly the same! High five! I stopped smoking, I'm trying not to comfort eat and trying get out more.
I've had to tell myself over and over not to obsess about dropping the weight quickly and to just focus on eating well, improving my life and gradually build up exercise. I go walking, that's all I can really handle at the moment but I plan to built that up to longer/faster walks and then bike rides.

Welcome to NMP :)

05-04-14, 23:57
Hello and welcme Marsha well done stopping smoking thats a big step ,also eating healthy and exercising its the way forward ,just be carefull not to take to much on hun ,because with anxiety you need to relax aswell so have some you time xx

06-04-14, 00:36
Hi marsha, I havnt worked in 10 years, due to similar problems you have. My first attack was when I was working and now im petrified to go back to work, im new on here too.

07-04-14, 19:56
Definitely take the exercise slow, there's no rush the most important thing is doing it comfortably and with the least stress. And massive well done for quitting!