View Full Version : Another newbie

05-04-14, 12:51

Just joined, and my first day on Citalopram feel incredibly emotional, restless and up and down.Also been feeling a bit nauseous.

I am a born worrier and things been getting on top of me recently.

Be good to talk to others.

05-04-14, 13:08
The citalopram will take time to help. Born worrier, that would be me.

05-04-14, 13:15
Welcome to the site :-]

05-04-14, 14:22
Hornet, welcome to NMP. You will find many people on here that are very supportive and that understand what you're going through. I've been taking citalopram for five months or so and it has been helpful. I will say that medication alone didn't work for me. I needed to put together a toolbox of other items such as CBT, meditation, laughter, etc... All of those things, along with the citalopram have helped me to recover 90% from my anxiety issues.
Check out the citalopram side forum on NMP. You will find a lot of helpful information. Remember that the medication will affect everyone differently. The first couple of weeks are generally a bit rough but worth it to stick it out. Everything you are feeling is normal.

05-04-14, 15:52
welcome and take it easy for the next few days

05-04-14, 17:05
Thanks everyone.

Still have to work so can't rest much. Just have to get through the next month.