View Full Version : Does this sound like a tooth abscess?

05-04-14, 13:12
So for the past few months, there's this recurring blister thing on the base of my tooth. It's exactly at the base, maybe only a few millimeters from the tooth itself.

It's small, like a canker sore, and doesn't hurt. I usually pop it, and clear liquid will come out, leaving a slightly red mark on the gum. Then a few weeks/months later, it happens again and I do the same thing - pops it.

I did a bit of reading and seems like this could be an abscess? The tooth seems healthy though. I went to the dentist last December and I didn't say anything cos then, this blister wasn't 'on'.

So... thoughts? Something similar happened to you guys, perhaps?

05-04-14, 15:47
Sounds like an abcess and the tooth will feel fine all the time the abcess is being pooped and draining, as you are releasing the pressure. Id get myself off to the dentist to get a proper diagnosis and before youre too late to save the tooth. It will almost def. Need a root canal, which is a fairly standard procedure and no more scarey than a big filling, in my exp.
If you leave it too long, you may end up losing bone mass in the bit of the jaw the tooth sits which has happened to me......not life threatening, but not good for your teeth........

05-04-14, 16:25
Thanks for sharing your experience, ninnie. I'll visit my dentist next week. It's weird cos seems like my tooth (it's the lower canine tooth) is fine, no cavity :shrug:

Root canal.. ugh. Gonna be my first!

06-04-14, 02:04
Yes, get to your dentist. You may need antibiotics to treat the infection to stop it coming back.

I would suggest cleaning your mouth and throat, try warm salt water. Absesses can taste foul when popped and you want to avoid swallowing it or leaving it in your mouth given its an infection.

06-04-14, 13:18
It does sound as though it could be a reoccuring abscess, although usually they leak pus rather than a clear liquid. Get to the dentist :) (i'm a dental nurse)

11-04-14, 12:21
Some updates.

Went to my regular dentist who checked and said that the tooth was fine, and she suspected it's probably cos my teeth in that area were overlapped that caused the abscess. But she didn't give me a definite answer, and when I asked her about oral cancer (my fear), she didn't exactly say "NO" but more like, nah, you're fine. It's still too early to make proper diagnosis. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN. Then she told me not to overthink and that I was fine.

Disatisfied, I went to see a new dentist. He said it's likely due to the overlapped teeth (so at least both dentists said the same thing), and that as long as I still have it it's possible the pimple would keep coming back. Again, I asked about the sinister thing (I couldn't even say the word), and he said it's fine.

I should've shut up but I told him how I did some reading and it spooked me. Then he said something about "for now cancer is unlikely" or something along that line. WELLLLLLLL. I stopped and asked what he meant by 'for now'. He went on saying my symptoms were common and telling me to relax.

Both dentists didn't seem concerned but I'm having a hard time to relax.

11-04-14, 15:19
I have had the exact same thing, although mine was under my tongue. It was like a bubble that would pop and then come back. This went on for a year for me.

My dentist said it was a mucous cyst and totally harmless. What was happening, for me, was that saliva was building under the tissue and then popping when the pressure was too high. Then it was happen again. They are really common.

Once I stopped messing around with it and looking at it all the time, it actually went away.