View Full Version : what about this mix of meds???

05-04-14, 16:06
seen a pshycologyst yesterday as i have really been struggling with my panic and anxiety and also housebound from it... i had a real hard time trying different meds over last 15 yrs and i have been med free for last 5 weeks and just couldnt cope any longer just using diazepam as that made me feel so rough and groggy.... anyway he wants me to start on 75mg venlafexine,150mg of pregabilin and 1mg of lorazopam as needed,,, just wondered what people thought of this mix and why he would change me from diazepam to lorazopam as i thought the were the same med... instead of starting all at once ive decided to go a week on the 75mg of ven and then add the preg... does that seem a good idea? took my first tablet this morning and within couple of hours i had bad stomach and needed the loo... is this th norm? many thanks and hope your all well...