View Full Version : Going to the GP soon about my NF lumps again

05-04-14, 17:17
I am going to book myself an appointment about my NF lumps again. Neurofibromatosis I did asked my GP last month to have a look at one of my lumps on my back.

I know my Mum has joined a Facebook group as she also have NF. I am going to asked to be refer to a specialist by my GP.

I am also scared of the slight possible of brain tumour. I am worried about my health, cancer worries a lot. self checking still etc.

I am embarrassed about my lumps, marks etc. I don't feel confident around females and trying to find myself a girlfriend.

05-04-14, 20:19
Awwww Phil I bet you are really cute ;) I happen to like imperfections like bumps and scars, a lot of women do.

08-04-14, 15:08
Many thanks

I have counted I got a few things of these NF lumps, markings. I am scared that some of these could be serious, even though I have been checked one of my lumps by the GP who says it looks fine. I am frighten if I have to have any removed how my skin my look. I am not afraid to go the GP (I was not afraid when I was worrying about my abdominal pain) never got told what it was. (was it past life problem or just a common thing)

08-04-14, 15:18
I'm sure it will be okay. Where are the lumps? Are they on your face?

08-04-14, 19:10
One on my back, a couple around my thigh area inside leg, one of my foot. My mum had a few of her removed last year and about 20 years had another one removed, plus she had a scan which came back fine.

---------- Post added at 19:10 ---------- Previous post was at 16:15 ----------

I don't have any on my face, but these can grow there. I know some of these are quite simple surgery remove. often can be quite painful.

08-04-14, 20:41
Don't worry I'm sure the scars are small and the lumps are not in a visible area. It's more important that you are healthy. We all have scars.

08-04-14, 21:17
I know what I have is nothing like yours but after I had my first son I got horrendous acne... itbwas only on my face, I thought I looked hiddeous but my lovely partner said I looked just as beautiful than before I had acne.... now 3 years later (and another baby) my acne has now almost gone but im left with terrible scarring where it was, and again my partner says it hasnt changed the way I look and he still calls me beautiful, the thing about scarring is that it can be helped with different things, im saving up to have the scarring on my face removed and have normal skin on my face again....

Everyone has scaring and if people are offended by it then they arent very nice people. It doesnt change who you are and im sure alotnof women wont even care in the slightest, so dont be worried about what women think of the scarring/ lumps and bumps they proberly wont even care :);

09-04-14, 12:35
Many thanks for your replies

I should not have gone on the Internet in the past to read more about NF as some things have frighten me, a slight increase risk some lumps may turn cancerous (even though the lumps are more likely benign non cancerous) a slight risk of certain cancers because of the condition. I know CBT may not have help me with my NF and health worries, going to the GP reassurances me for a while that I am healthy