View Full Version : advice much needed as pregnant worrid sick

05-04-14, 19:05
I'm having such a rough time, I'm pregnant and thought i saw the last of ha, but using milestones for pregnancy has brought ha to surface, any how i found a lump on my side of arm 5 weeks ago soon as i felt it panic attack kicked in saw doctor said cyst wasn't satisfied so took myself a+e doctor said spot still wasn't happy went to doctor to explain in not coping i need cbt again he agreed and i asked him yo check lump he said feels like a cyst, i was fine took it all is ok, so last week i got pain in my thigh hurts to touch stand walk could be down to spd in pregnancy strolled myself down doctors who said nothing to worry, but now my arm hurts same side as lump, all my head head says I'm dying of cancer how horrid is this during pregnancy its unbearable

05-04-14, 19:41
CBT is a great idea. It's also great that you recognize that your thoughts are caused by ha. I had a cyst on my back when I was pregnant with my son. I also had bad bad hip and groin pain. It's called round ligament pain. Even woman without anxiety become nervous when pregnant cut yourself some slack.

05-04-14, 19:58
i want to believe doctor and normal thinking people would, that's what i keep telling myself, just why do i jump to lump equals cancer pain cancer i really hit a low, I know ha is putting worst thoughts in my head but in obsessing way to much do much i cant touch my body like if an itch cones on i hate it ;(

05-04-14, 20:21
What trimester are u in?

05-04-14, 21:14
third trimester hun

06-04-14, 00:10
I found my anxiety was the worst in the third. It was also when I discovered my cyst. After I had my son months later my cyst actually came to a head and burst. The doctors can tell by how they feel if they may be cancer. You need to trust your doctors. Plus you have had a lot if blood tests lately they could tell from that too.

07-04-14, 05:00
I have a cyst on my eye that I developed during pregnancy-doctor said it was from increased estrogen! I have to get it removed as it won't leave on it's own :(

07-04-14, 05:09
i want to believe doctor and normal thinking people would, that's what i keep telling myself, just why do i jump to lump equals cancer pain cancer i really hit a low, I know ha is putting worst thoughts in my head but in obsessing way to much do much i cant touch my body like if an itch cones on i hate it ;(

I really relate to this. I know I have "cancer phobia," but I have no idea why! My Dad's in the advanced stage of dementia, and for some reason, I don't fear dementia at all.

Cancer, on the other hand, is sort of like the boogeyman of serious illnesses. One part of me knows how silly it is to obsess about this one disease, and yet I'm constantly in a mental battle against letting this fear take over my life.

Meanwhile, my son is 1.5 years old, and my health anxiety hit hard in January. Ever since then I've been in a battle against it, knowing all the while that I'm missing out on making memories with my boy. I spend a bit too much time researching illnesses, health news, and so on. Some of it is good, but not if it takes over my life, right? Everything in moderation, as they say.

So I'm consciously trying to be proactive about my health, and proactive about spending more time with my boy... As a strategy, it seems to be making a difference for me. I'm a bit happier than before, anyway. :)

Don't know if any of this helps at all, but I mostly just wanted to let you know that I empathize.