View Full Version : Information overload?

05-04-14, 23:17
When I was a kid, there was no internet, there was the news on tv but then I never watched it as a child, that was boring grown up stuff! Nowadays health issues are everywhere, magazines, tv, internet, news, local news etc. you cant get far in your day without reading or hearing what I call health horror stories! No wonder we end up with HA! I was thinking how much of this stuff would I have come across if I was a grown up back when I was a kid... nowhere near as much! Maybe I should get rid of the internet, not read the news, ignore all health related programmes etc who knows.. might work wonders! There is too much information out there! we are in the age of information overload! :yesyes:

06-04-14, 08:45
Hi flo
ill 2nd that! Its great to switch off all your phones, tablets etc. And go sit out in the countryside, on the beach, or just your back garden and switch off......roll on summer....:shades:

06-04-14, 08:50
... and I third it !

We don't have the TV on at all save for watching the odd movie or music documentaries on BBC4. It's the best thing to do for yourself if you have HA or not.

Lisa x

06-04-14, 16:03
Yes I think that sometimes we know too much or have access to too much information and the media just sems to be full of scare stories. I went through a phase of not reading magazines or watching any medical stuff on tv as I knew it would kick of my health anxiety. Wonder what effect its having on our kids as they seem to know so much more about everything than we ever did.