View Full Version : headache and vomiting

06-04-14, 06:17
My husband is away on a trip. He went to a sporting even tonight in a huge arena with lots of people and noise. When I talked to him on the phone tonight, he mentioned he got bad headaches during the game and threw up twice (once there, once when back at the hotel). He said he wasn't drinking.

So I kind of freaked out, asked if he had a stomach bug or something and he said no and he was starting to feel better. Then he got mad at me for asking lots of questions and stopped talking to me.

So now I am terrified he has a brain tumor or aneurysm. No history of migraines for him or anything.

06-04-14, 07:46
Sounds like a migraine and they can start at any age. I did hear from a guy who had one where he actually passed out, that it is not unusual for men in their 30s to start getting them when their is no previous history.
Of course, he really should go to his doc. For a proper diagnosis.

06-04-14, 17:07
Thanks for your reply. Apparently he feels fine this morning.

I think it may have been because he had a huge, disgusting meal (bbq lol - don't get me wrong, I like bbq but they bought 5 pounds of meat) and probably a beer or two before going to this game ... maybe not a good mix. I think similar may have happened a couple years ago now that I think about it ...

Oh how I wish he would go to the doctor lol but he will not. He says he knows what it is and to calm down. He did just have a physical last week though before this and has to get routine physical exam blood work done, so I guess if that comes back normal I won't worry too much.

Maybe I shouldn't get mad that he says he knows what it is ... I wish I didn't have to get myself to the doc for every little thing, so I guess shouldn't judge his decision based on my HA perspective.

... I've been telling him to get his own doctor for 4 years and he finally did this past week ... that's what I'm up against!!!!