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View Full Version : Coldsore scared-don't read if u have coldsores and worry

06-04-14, 10:17
Hi all,

I have had coldsores for many many years, however since having HA, they terrify me, I read a story in a magazine about a little girl who had a coldsore and the virus spread to her brain, I have got the statistics there are two cases per million in the USA can't find the uk stats although everything I've read is sayin is very rare. I am just worrying as I feel I'll today with my coldsore and that can be the start of the brain infection, it also is more common in people with lower immune systems but to get a coldsore in the first place ur immune system has got to b low?

I'm supposed to be driving my son to a party soon and I'm worried I will freak out, Anyone got any wise words?

06-04-14, 10:28
I've never met anyone who has got a brain infection from a coldsore and I'd never even heard it was possible until I read your post. You are taking more of a risk just going out in your car than you are at risk of developing a brain infection. Vitamin C is fantastic for healing infections and helping your immune system, so maybe get a supplement to help with your current cold sore. As with worrying about anything, what's the point of worrying about something before it's even happened? You could spend your whole life worrying about a non-existent brain infection and in all likelihood you'll never ever get one, so what was teh point of worrying. I know loads of people who get coldsores and it rarely affects their daily life. You'll be just fine.

06-04-14, 10:34
Thanks Hun, I no this I tell myself this but sometimes I need a kick up the bum :-)

06-04-14, 11:11
Please don't worry havefaith. no one has had as many cold sores as me.
When i feel the blister coming I put cold sore cream on and it just goes down.
If the blister bursts than it has to take it's course. Vit c is good too.
take care XXX

06-04-14, 13:56
Everyone gets coldsores. Hell, I've got one right now. (Tried using zovirax, ice and even tea bags, but of course the bugger doesn't have the decency to die right away. I must be getting my picture taken soon or meeting a hot girl or something :blush:)

Coldsores can happen any time, often triggered by stress. Here's something funny, my health anxiety was really bad all last year. I was stressed like you wouldn't believe, yet I was the only one in my family who didn't get a coldsore that year. Have one now, though, just after catching a cold, even though my hypochondria is gone and I feel fine. Funny, that.

As for the lowered immune system thing, as people told me during my HA, if you had an immune system disorder, you'd know all about it. A coldsore would be the least of your worries. Just keep taking stuff for it, don't stress out, make sure to sure wash your hands frequently, clean any cups or glasses you use and avoid kissing.

06-04-14, 14:08
I have had coldsores on and of all my life this
Would explain why im stupid lol xx dont worry im mean if there is such a thing what are the chances of you getting it

06-04-14, 16:13
Being that the odds of getting a brain infection from HSV1 are less than getting hit by lightning, I think you're pretty safe.

Cold sores suck, but all you can do is ride it out and use OTC remedies to help it heal. Docs can prescribe an anti-viral med to help prevent outbreaks but the reality is, "it is what it is"... you gotta deal with it.

My wise words are deal with the things you have control over.... How you treat others, driving your car, taking care of yourself etc. Much, much easier than dealing with "what ifs" that will never happen in your lifetime.

Positive thoughts

06-04-14, 19:22
Thank u all for ur kind words and wisdom x