View Full Version : Really happy and feel far more positive/confident

02-12-06, 01:30
Hiya, I haven't posted for a while and I thought it would be great to share what has been going on for me for a good few weeks.

I have been busy doing anxiety/self-esteem/CBT courses and am returning to work in Jan for two days. I am a legal advisor in custody and it is a pressured jobs and of course there are niggling doubts as to whether I would cope with it and what would happen if I didn't.

I am not a great lover of Christmas. I just feel it has lost its true meaning along the way and it is all about presents and overeating. I do make an effort for Graham (who is 10), as he is still a young overly excited about Christmas despite the fact he found that Father Christmas is in fact George and I!

The "unreal" feeling has stopped. I don't know why. There wasn't a sudden "oh I feel part of this world" moment. I have had it 24/7 for nearly five months. However, I am lost to find out the cause. I believe that if I keep thinking where it has gone it will come back.

I am having an incredibly rough time with my mum. She keeps putting the phone down on me if she doesn't like to hear what I have to say. Hopefully Holly would have had the baby by then and it will be a real good excuse not to go to her home Christmas day.

It will certainly be hectic end of Dec, Graham leaves school 10 days before xmass which is far too long! The next thing is Holly giving birth and her coming to stay with us for a week or so, so I can teach her the basics. At 18 it will be extremely hard. She will be single mother quite hard and will certainly need our support. Graham's birthday is on 28 Dec.

We will be skint by January:D

I feel quite good at the moment and do my best to maintain doing the things I do. Life itself produces anxieties, the high and lows.

I can now drive my car, go to courses, do supermarkets and any other shops. I guess at the end of the day we all have to find a way to knock down the walls that prevent us from doing the things we used to enjoy.

That's about my news so far. How do you all manage Christmas time?

Take good care of yourselves

Love RuthXXX

I suggest courses, classes, CRUSE bereavement counselling, yet she says she doesn't need them. I cant make her happy, wanting to be proactive has to come from her in the same way I have had to do coming off tranquillisers.

02-12-06, 11:51

Thanks for your update - I ve had CBT too which has helped a bit coz I now break my "hot thoughts" down to realisitic things and am better but still worry about things but try to hold the believe "Sod what other people think of you.... what if you panic a bit.... so what .....everyone does from time to time.. no one will think less of you if you get flustered....etc etxc
In the end we all have to BELIEVE in ourselves and stop all this low self esteem.

Have a lovely xmas - my family are here boxing day - they all think Im neurotic and a bit weird coz Im into crystals and studied complementary medicine - but hey - who cares what they think - I CHOSE to be who I am !!!

Take care.loads of love Wenjoy x

02-12-06, 18:59
Hi Ruth,

Thanks for the update, you are doing really well, be proud of your achievments!




"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

03-12-06, 09:08
hi Ruth
well done on your progress good luck for the future
take care Mick

03-12-06, 15:11
Hi Ruth,

Well done, it is so reassuring to hear from someone that is seeing light at the end of the tunnel!

Take care of yourself

Hugs to you


03-12-06, 17:13

03-12-06, 17:38
Hiya everyone

Thanks for all your positive messages back.

My PC internet has crashed so I am using my mums, therefore this is short and sweet.

I will catch up with all of you once the engineer has made my PC "well".

Love Fran

03-12-06, 20:13
Hope it gets sorted soon Fran !

In the meantime, keep smiling you are doing so well !



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

03-12-06, 22:14
Thank you for the positive message. I get that unreal feeling a lot and knowing that it does go away gives me hope.

Take care,
